Chapter 17* || How Times Change

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The last time I was a spectator at one of Roman's hockey games, I was on an awful blind date. Now I have voluntarily come to one of his games.

How times change.

Octavia screams to Isaiah, banging on the plexiglass separating the bleachers from the rink. She shouts instructions and happily curses out the other side. Cara glances over to me and raises an eyebrow. I chuckle, shaking my head at Tavia's reaction.

She looks over as if sensing our astonishment at seeing her like this for the first time and she gives a sheepish smile before shrugging and sitting back down.

"I've been a hockey girlfriend for two and a half years now. This is what happens," Tavia points to herself, making us laugh.

"You become a crazy bitch?" Cara questions and Tavia slaps her arm. "Those guys flinched! You made actual hockey players flinch."

"It was a foul!"

A voice pipes up from the row behind us. "Hey! Can you pipe down?"

Tavia turns around. "This is a hockey game. If you don't want noise, don't be here."

The guy grumbles before focusing back on the game and Tavia turns around satisfied with herself. I shake my head before pulling my teddy coat jacket around my body to keep me warm. Especially since we're sitting closer to the ice at the front of the bleachers.

The crowd cheers as Miles scores and even laughs when he skates backwards attempting to do the moonwalk on skates. Roman's smile shows through his helmet before he slaps Miles upside the head and skates past. His eyes lock with mine for a brief moment, surprise running through his eyes as if he didn't expect me to show.

"I wonder what your dad would say if he knew you were watching a hockey game," Cara questions and I shoot her a glare.

"Probably make me sit through hours of his old football tapes until I promised never to betray him again." I scoff, remembering how he used to do that.

Octavia raises her eyebrow. "Really?"

"It's his method of punishment. My brother Aaron was never into football. When he was starting high school told my dad he wanted to try lacrosse. My dad made him watch his football tapes to show how football is a real sport." I put quotation gestures at the end. "Then I snuck out to a party one night and had to get picked up from the police station because I was really drunk, and he made me watch them."

"How many hours does he make you watch?" Tavia questions.

"He wouldn't let Aaron leave once for a whole day. That was when Aaron took the car for a joyride when he was learning to drive. My mum eventually got Aaron out of there." I chuckle, shaking my head.

"At least he didn't force any of you to play the sport." Cara shrugs and I nod my head.

"Yeah, he was always supportive when Aaron didn't want to play football and find his own path. I also think he's secretly hoping Lucas will play one day."

"I can see that. His eyes light up at the game," Cara comments, and I smile at my little brother's antics.

"Mom and dad have signed him up to play after school. He starts this week and is excited about it. She even sent me a picture of him in all the gear they've got him," I explain before taking my phone out to show them and they 'aww'.

A tap on the glass gets our attention and Isaiah blows a kiss to Octavia before skating off...getting a lot of abuse from the coach. The three of us laugh at his antics and make fun of her blushing cheeks.

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