Chapter 24 || What Are They Doing Here?

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"Do you think I should get Isaiah this?"

Octavia holds up a Christmas jumper that says, 'Mrs. Clause' and points to the left with an arrow. Cara and I laugh before I point to the one next to it. "Are you going to get one too?"

"Hell no, I draw the line at couple-outfits. I'll make him wear this coming out of the locker room after a game where all the puck bunnies are. I'll be standing at the left of the door ready," Octavia explains, and I shake my head at her behavior.

While Cara convinces her to get it, I walk around the section of Boston covered by the Christmas markets.

A layer of snow covers the streets of Boston, as wooden stalls are lined up side by side in a small portion of the city with a large Christmas tree sitting dead center of them.

The lights from the tree, the stalls and even the surrounding buildings give the place a cozy feel as people happily walk around. Bundled up in winter coats, scarfs and hats, people make their way around the stalls buying knick knacks or stocking stuffers for loved ones.

My eyes run over all the possible Christmas presents, figuring out what they would like and what I will be able to put in my case and get past security. My boots crunch against the snow as I walk and my eyes land on a stall selling hot chocolate in cute gingerbread man shaped mugs.

Heading over, I pay for three before weaving my way back through the people towards where Cara and Tavia are waiting for the stall owner to wrap the jumper up in wrapping paper.

"You are an angel," Cara states as soon as she sees me, and they both take a mug. Tavia takes the bag with the wrapped present, thanking the stall owner before we continue to walk around.

"I can't believe you bought that," I tell Tavia and she shrugs.

"He'll think I'm adorable," Tavia says, and I raise my eyebrow out of disbelief. "What are you thinking of getting for your family, Lia?"

My eyes flicker around the stalls before I bring the hot chocolate to my lips. "I'll probably get some little bits for Millie and Lucas. I do not need to have to take stuff out of my case again."

"I remember that call. She told me she had to pay for an extra case just to get the presents back," Cara laughs as she explains my freshman year embarrassing airport moment to Tavia.

"I've learned my lesson to buy presents back in LA," I grumble before picking up a few Christmas themed knick knacks from a stall. Grabbing a few for Millie and Lucas as stocking stuffers, I pay the stall lady before she wraps them up.

"Hey, look over there," Cara pats my shoulder before I turn my head and follow where she is pointing to, as does Tavia. "Doesn't that seem odd to you?"

"The woman with the chihuahua in her bag? Yeah, does she think she's in a movie or something?" Tavia shakes her head.

Cara slaps Tavia's arm. "No. Not her. The three people in trench coats, who all look like they're at an audition for the hunchback of Notre Dame."

"What about them?" I ask, as I take the bag off the stall owner and thank her.

"They've been following us since we got here," Cara mentions, yet I don't remember paying that much attention and seeing them. Now watching them, one of them turns their head a little in our direction and immediately when they see us watching, turn back around.

"You don't think—" Tavia begins.

Cara nods. "Oh, yes."

"What are they doing here?" I ask, and the girls shake their heads in disbelief. "I got this."

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