Chapter 38 || What Hockey Player Falls On The Ice?

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"We do not need that many packets of marshmallows."

Cara looks offended at my reason that I keep putting packets back on the shelves as she grabs them. Having offered to pick the s'mores ingredients up for Roman's mom as it's the least we can do since she is cooking tonight for eight people including herself, it's turning out to be harder than originally anticipated.

"You always need that many packets of marshmallows. I don't know about you, but I am not stopping after one s'more." Cara scoffs as she brings lots of packets into her arms and puts them in the cart. I roll my eyes before looking at Octavia, who is on her phone, standing behind the cart.

"Seriously? No help?" I ask her, and she looks up from her phone before shaking her head.

"Don't look at me. I don't want to be the one physically fighting with her to get the marshmallows off her." Octavia shakes her head and I sigh before waving Cara off and she cheers before carrying on to walk down the aisle of the supermarket.

"The guys are going to have their cheat day and eat a lot of them, and I don't want to be s'moreless because of those animals," Cara explains as she starts to throw in the rest of the things we need to make them.

"What are your girl's plans for this summer?" Octavia questions as we head to the check-out to pay.

"I'll be back in LA for the summer and I'm trying to convince Cara to join me, considering she doesn't want to be stuck in New York with her mom again," I explain and look over at Cara.

"A summer in LA? Yes, please. What's stopping you? Hell, I'd even go if I wasn't going to be between Isaiah and my family," Octavia jokes and I chuckle.

"I don't want to impose. I know I joke about joining your family and coming with you, but I don't want to impose like that," Cara admits, and I roll my eyes.

"My mom would happily drag your ass to LA if she could," I joke, and they laugh. "Seriously? Think about it. My parents have already said it's cool."

Placing the contents onto the checkout, the cashier adds everything up and we pack our things before paying and heading out. The guys have made their way up to Roman's mom's place earlier to help set up the outside area, and now the three of us are making our way up there to meet them.

Climbing into my car after putting the bag away, I pull out of the supermarket parking lot and get onto the road in the direction of Roman's mom's place.

Arriving at the house, I pull onto the curb, and we get out before grabbing the grocery bag and head up the driveway. Knocking on the door, Naomi answers and sighs with relief.

"Too much testosterone." She waves us inside and we walk inside before heading to the kitchen. "The girls are here."

"We brought everything needed for s'mores...and probably triple the amount thanks to Cara." I place it on the counter and Roman's mom thanks me before giving me a welcoming hug.

"Did you have to fight her?" Miles asks, as he wraps his arms around her.

"Almost," I say before walking over to kiss Roman. "How can we help?"

"Well, the boys have already sorted the outside out and the food is almost ready, so why don't you all head out there." She waves us off and we all make our way to the garden area.

"I'm so ready for your mom's food." Isaiah rubs his stomach happily and we all laugh before we sit down around the mini campfire that is made and surrounded by different types of chairs.

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