C73 - Hunting the Barosaurus

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After making sauerkraut fish, Zhou Ji decided to cure the rest of the fish.

The fish wouldn’t stay fresh after being left out for a long time and would no longer taste good after that. It was better to cure and preserve it.

As a result, over the next few days, Xiong Ye would bring back some fish every day. Even if he went out hunting during the day, he would still use his fishing net to catch some fish at night.

Zhou Ji had no objection to eating fish, but he was unable to finish all that fish.

Since it couldn’t be finished, he could only preserve it… But he also found the smell of salted fish in the cave a bit difficult to tolerate.

This was making him want to become a salted fish himself.

Finally, Zhou Ji donated all of the salted fish to the tribe, and it was stored together with the tribe’s smoked meat.

After five or six days of this, no more fish could be caught in the river. There was also enough fish in the pond for the tribe to raise, so Xiong Ye stopped trying to catch fish and began to think about how to catch the Barosaurus––those two dinosaurs ate too much, too quickly. Xiong Ye felt that he couldn’t let them continue eating in such an uncontrolled way.

Their tribe would be done for if the plants around their tribe were all eaten up!

He started discussing ways to deal with the Barosauruses with the tribe.

There was a swamp near their tribe, but the swamp wasn’t necessarily useful against the Barosaurus. The Barosaurus wasn’t something they could lure toward the swamp so easily.

“Of the two Barosauruses, one of them went up to the mountain where the giant beast raged before. The trees there are very tall, so what if we climb up the tree and throw the poison into its mouth? After throwing it, we can run into the forest, and let the trees act as a barrier. Even if the Barosaurus goes mad, it might not necessarily be able to hurt us.” Xiong Ye suggested.

“Will the poison you’re talking about work?” Xiong He asked.

The tribe used to avoid these kinds of toxic things. Nobody in their tribe had thought of using poison before. They didn’t know how or where Zhou Ji had gotten the poison he had given to Xiong Ye…

“It works!” Xiong Ye said. He had tried it when they had gone out hunting over the past few days and felt that it was very effective.

“In that case, we’ll try it!” Xiong He slapped the table in confirmation. “Our tribe will be really impressive if we’re able to catch such a big dinosaur! When that happens, we can have the priest draw and chisel out the story of us catching the dinosaur on the cave walls!”

“Great!” Xiong Ye was also excited.

If they were really able to take down such a large dinosaur, this story could be passed down to future generations as an example and a lesson!

His figure would also be added to the wall of the cave and passed down forever!

Xiong Ye became more and more excited as he thought about it, and led the people of the tribe to begin busying themselves with the preparations.

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