C127 - Giant Rhinoceros

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The rice was already starting to cook. Only then did Zhou Ji look towards the youth.

The teenager wasn’t old, his gaze was clear, and his expression full of ignorance. He looked extremely simple.

Additionally, his skin was very pale, and he had no wounds on his hands. His hair was very clean, his teeth weren’t worn down… It could be seen from a glance that he’d been raised very well.

Zhou Ji looked like that and was therefore always seen as the young chief of a large tribe by others. In turn, he now also suspected that the youth in front of him had come from a large tribe.

The other party held no malice, and his background probably wasn’t simple. Zhou Ji naturally wouldn’t do anything to him and let him do as he liked. Yet as a result, he had just cracked the shell of an egg when the youth leaned over again, “Why do you need to break the egg shell?”

Zhou Ji: “……”

Zhou Ji hadn’t even said anything when Xiong Ye took the person away–this person was constantly leaning close to Zhou Ji, and Xiong Ye found it unpleasant to the eyes.

He and Zhou Ji hadn’t had a chance to exchange even a heated kiss ever since the time he and Zhou Ji had gotten intimate back at the Beach Tribe. These past few days, he had always felt an itch in his heart whenever he looked at Zhou Ji, wanting to hug Zhou Ji and kiss him a few times. Under such circumstances, how could he allow others to hover near Zhou Ji?

However, Xiong Ye had only just taken the youth away when Hai Feng leaned over, “Why do you need to break the egg shell?”

Zhou Ji: “……”

“Also, what exactly is that oil thing? I’ve always wanted to ask you!” Hai Feng went on. Zhou Ji had many things on hand that he’d never seen before. He’d originally felt too embarrassed to ask, but now that Zhou Ji had been so patient and answered the youth just now, he decided to ask as well.

Zhou Ji answered helplessly, “Oil is something that’s split into animal oil and vegetable oil.”

Zhou Ji had people bring out a piece of lard for him and heated it up in the pot.

The smell of oil spread out through the air, and before long, the lard had split into dregs and oil.

Hai Feng couldn’t keep himself from swallowing hard, and the youth that Xiong Ye had pulled away also ran back, saying to Zhou Ji, “I want to eat it.”

Hai Feng followed suit, “I want to eat it too!”

Zhou Ji took out the dregs, sprinkled a little salt on it, then handed it to Hai Feng, “This is for you. Take the child with you and watch over him.” The ‘child’ he was referring to was the youth.

Hai Feng agreed, then dragged the youth away with him.

Not long after, Hai Feng and the youth’s voices drifted over, “Zhou Ji gave this to me. It’s not for you.”

“I want to eat it.”

“I’ll eat two pieces and give you one piece.”

“I want to eat it.”


Hai Feng was very patient and was especially suited to looking after children.

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