C102 - Food

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Xiong Ye and the others who had come were all people who had hunted down and killed people of the Giant Tiger Tribe, so they had all killed people before, but they still found it a little difficult to accept the scene that they currently saw before them.

They didn’t even know what they should say, and they all remained silent for a while.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe had used cruel means, so the Big Bear Tribe had no thoughts of being merciful when they went up against them, but that was only when they were fighting the warriors of the Giant Tiger Tribe.

There were still elderly and children in the Giant Tiger Tribe.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe would kill the elderly and children of other tribes, but the people of the Big Bear Tribe hadn’t actually done anything to the elderly and children of the Giant Tiger Tribe.

However, these people were all dead now.

And the person who had done it had been so cruel…

Even Zhu Zhan was shocked after he took in the situation, “There was no fighting here. It was a complete massacre. Even if it was a Beast King who did this, they would be stripped of their Beast King title for doing this…”

On the Beastmen Continent, although the people from the Beast God Temple often did bad things, they would still involve themselves if there was a tribe that was wantonly taking over other tribes the way the Giant Tiger Tribe had been doing and make them stop. They would do the same for beastmen who slaughtered other ordinary beastmen.

Before, Zhu Zhan had wanted to get to know this Beast King. Now, however… Regardless of whether or not that person was Xiang Tian, he no longer wanted to get to know them. In fact, he didn’t dare to get to know them.

Based on the other party’s methods, there was a high possibility that they would be killed as soon as they encountered them.

Zhu Zhan found this a little difficult to accept, and Xiong Qi and the others also felt the same way.

Before, that person had killed arthropleura and other similar things. Although it was cruel, they hadn’t thought much about it. However, what was dead in front of them now were beastmen, their own kind.

Xiong Qi, who had said many worshipful words along the way, was now completely speechless.

The same was true for Xiong Ye.

He had lived for so long but had never seen such a scene. At this time, he even felt a burst of fear erupt from his heart and instantly fill his entire body.

The people of the Giant Tiger Tribe were really unlikable and repugnant, but it was a bit over the top to kill the elderly and children as well.

He suddenly remembered the scene he had seen before.

Back then, that giant beast had looked like it was in a frenzy.

He wasn’t fighting against any enemies and had only been battling against the trees and slaughtering on his own. His appearance back then had been like someone who had no awareness of his surroundings.

Xiong Ye had come into contact with that person before, and knew that that person wasn’t bad. His temper was pretty good, but he would lose control… Back then, that person had lost control near the Big Bear Tribe. If he had been a little more careless, perhaps what had happened to the Giant Tiger Tribe would’ve happened to the Big Bear Tribe.

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