The 4th day

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Kate and Conner woke up the next morning and they were surrounded by snakes. They realized they were basically in a snake pit. Kate thought fast and did everything that the mentor in the training center taught her within 6 hours she had the snake's doing her bidding.

She made them stay close and hidden. As they started walking through the forest.

Kate looked to Connor and said," Do you know how many are left?
He looked at her and said," 4 I think, It's Shelby, Logan, the girl from 10. oh and the boy from 7."

She nodded. That's when it went downhill they were ambushed by 10 and Shelby. Kate didn't have much time to react when the girl from ten came at her and tried to stab her in the gut. She missed her stomach but got Kate in the leg, she grunted in pain before ripping it out and stabbing her in the arm, and pushing her away. She looked at Conner who had Shelby pinned in a chokehold on the ground. The girl from 10 came at her again, she rolled out of the way. She limped quickly to the bag that got thrown off her and grabbed the venom from the snake. she dipped the knife in it. The girl from 10 had gotten up after tripping but then the snakes kate trained felt a need to protect her. They slithered around the girl's legs bringing her down to the ground. Shelbys Cannon went off and the girl from 10 was screaming in fear as Kate walked back to her.

Kate tilted her head as if she was amused by the scene. Connor looked to Kate and rolled his eyes jokingly at her dramatics till he saw the blood seeping out of her leg. He went into protective big brother mode and grabbed bandages as Kate stabbed her where she stabbed her leg. The loudest blood-curling scream came out of the girl's mouth and then she went limp.

Kate sat down as Connor started cleaning her wound. Then they heard beeping and looked up. That's when they saw the parashot come down. It was large and it make them curious. Connor opened it and smirked, "it's for you, little sister."

He pulled out medicine and a pair of Katanas. He then grabbed a note and read it aloud because it's what the note said to do.

Dear Ms. Deathwing

I do hope this is up to your standards. you have impressed me and given me a great show. I hope you like my gifts as a thank you for your sacrifice.

Sincerely President Snow

Connor applied the medicine and just like magic the wound went back to how it was before as if she was never stabbed. That's when they heard the rush of water, they looked at each other secured their stuff as fast as possible the king cobras wrapped themselves around her arms as she ordered. She had an emotional attachment to the two the rest she considered collateral damage. They ran the snakes close behind when the wave swept them up. They held onto each other for dear life and they were slammed onto hard rock.

They were panting trying to get their breath back. They helped each other up and looked at the sky as the anthem played showing the rest of the deaths from the day. They slept till morning and started hiking up the mountain for the final battle.

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