Reactions and questions

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Kate felt the water disappear from around her. She was still disoriented from her landing that she didn't even realize that the other victors were staring at her in shock.

After a few minutes she gathering her barrings to see everyone looking at her.

"What are you staring at?" Kate said with a hint of annoyance.

"Well red, we're staring at you." Johannah replied with sass.

Kate rolled her eyes and said," well I'm sure you all have questions ask away."

Katniss was the first to speak up and asked," why didn't you tell me?"

Kate climbed up from the ground and stood. The hair dye was coming out.

"Because I had to keep everything underwraps. No one could know who I really was until I got what was rightfully mine. Plus I had my half of the deal to follow."
Kate said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean Katherine?" Katniss stood trying to decipher what was real and what was a lie.

"What I mean Kat is that I made a deal exactly the way I wanted it." Kate whispered the last part so the cameras wouldn't hear. The victors were crowded around ready to strike at a moments notice.

They all looked at her questionably.
Kate was a little hurt from their stances that they would kill her after everything. Finnick doing this hurt the most. She remembered the last few nights on the roof before the games.

(Before her break down)

On the roof.

Katherine sat on the roof in silence dwelling on her thoughts. They were running through her head a mile a minute, she could barely register the opening and closing of the elevator behind her.

"Fancy seeing you up here Snow." She heard a voice behind her. She jumped slightly at the sudden noise.

She replied," why is that Odair?"

She heard footsteps come up behind her and felt the warmth of the charming man sitting beside her.

She turned to look at him and saw his smirk on his face. The facade and mask that had been in place for years.

Finnick still didn't trust her even after the training session together. After all she was still the president daughter. The same one that ruined his life and tore it to shreds and left him with little dignity and a broken man.
"Well if you must know ms. Snow, you can call it curiosity."

Her eyes narrowed slightly.
"How so?"

He could see the wall she built but why was the real question. Through the days of training he watched her and noticed the little things about her. The way her face lit up at the sight of her sister. The protective stance if someone got to close to Katniss. But out of all the things he noticed the wall blocking the true feelings behind a mask or better known as a lie.

He hated to admit it but he was starting to like her. He hated himself for having any positive emotion for the daughter of the devil himself.

He didn't realize he zoned out of his thoughts until he hear a throat clear. As his eyes focused agin he saw Katherine sitting there in the shadow like a goddess of hell.

He smirked and replied," I just figured that the daughter of the president himself would have all the luxury she could get after all, your just another citizen of the capital just like the rest of them." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag of sugar cubes.

Kate laughed coldly no humor in it.
"Well Odair you should know by now that not everything is not as it seems.
You really shouldn't assume things of people you don't know."

He popped a sugar cube in his mouth. He got closer and looked her in the eye.
"Then why don't you tell me." He had an innocent look on his face.

She smiled a genuine smile chuckled letting her walls down a little and said," Keep trying to uncover my secrets odair, go ahead, but it doesn't mean I'm telling."

She got up and still felt the butterflies In her stomach. As she got to the elevator she looked back to see Finnick looking at her. She sent him a soft smile and got into the elevator and watched him till the doors closed and blocked her view.

Back to present
Kate knows the victors don't trust her after what they discovered.
They all stood in silence.
Kate still had a Dagger from the challenge, it was out of sight.

Kate couldn't stand the silence any longer.

"If your going to kill me go ahead and try it, but I won't go down without a fight." Kate started walking, the past victors with more experience knew that with her history that's she would win or at the least take a good few of them down.

They all shared looks and Finnick looked at her and asked with his cocky voice," So tell us Death what can you really do because at this rate I know that what you did with us wasn't a fraction of what you can really do."

Kate smirked and replied,"oh you don't even know the half of it Odair."

He raised an eyebrow.

"None of that now we have more important things to do."

That's when they heard a gasp.

Death - Finnick Odairजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें