The final day

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Connor and Kate continued to hike up the mountain hoping to reach the top before it got dark. As they kept moving up the water was still slowly rising to push them to make it to the top. They saw it and kept moving knowing that the game makers were pushing them to the final battle with the other tributes. They rounded a corner and saw it was a narrow ridge. Kate looked at Connor and grabbed his hand; she knew he was afraid of heights and they pushed onward.

The sun started going down and they knew they didn't have much time. Connor grabbed out his knife. Kate knew that wouldn't be enough; so she grabbed her belt and pulled it off her and put it around his waist and grabbed out her katanas. They wanted to be ready for anything.

They heard the banging of metal against metal and knew what was coming; they crept forward silently. Kate kneeled down and let her snakes down and directed them to stay close. When they rounded the corner they saw Logan and the brutish boy from seven. He picked up Logan and threw him towards a rock on the other side of the flat part of the mountain. Then the boy from 7 turned and saw Kate and Connor.

He smirked darkly at the pair.

"Well it seems I get the honor of killing the little Death walker myself and her boy toy," he says as he chuckles.

Connor glared at him angered by what he said.

"How did the little brat get you wrapped around her finger was it the whole innocent act. Just wait for her to kill you and look you in the eye and tell you she was using you the whole time."

This made Connor furious and he charged with a deadly glint in his eye. The boy from 7 swung his ax but Connor was quick and just barely ducked out of the way. Ane kicked the boy's knee, but it wasn't hard enough as the boy from 7 quickly retaliated by ripping off the knife belt.

Kate was about to go help she got grabbed from behind with a sword to her throat. Kate got desperate and stomped on his foot and tried to push Logan off but she wasn't strong enough. That's when it happened. The boy from 7 grabbed Connor's wrists and snapped them. Kate continued to struggle trying to get to Connor but it was too late. Connor cried out in agony as he was shoved to the ground. Kate elbowed Logan in the face with just enough time to move before Logan tried slitting her throat and she shoved him to the ground. She ran as fast as she could to get to Connor in time.

The boy from 7 lifted his ax over Connor's withering figure. In the last resort, she threw her katanas at him. It hit him in the leg but it was too late and his ax came down and severed Connor's head clean off. Her eyes widened and she screamed so loud that he paused for just a second. Clary to the chance and grabbed the belt of knives and focused her anger and grief and threw a knife hitting Logan between the eyes. Two cannons went off. She turned to the boy from 7 with a deadly glare that could make anyone tremble where they stood.

Then she smirked a deadly smirk. The people-watching in the capital and the districts felt their stomachs drop at the sight of it.

They looked closer and they could her black soul showing through her eyes. People got shivers from the sight.

She slowly advanced while smirking and looked at him

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She slowly advanced while smirking and looked at him. She laughed humorlessly.

"You killed my brother," she stated.

She remembered what Connor taught her in the woods. "Never let them see you weak, show them the heartless deadly grim reaper. Love is a weakness but can also be your biggest strength, don't let it show. That's what she did.

The boy from 7 gulped and she advanced. He lifted his ax.

"Or should I say my boy toy, you were right. He was so easily manipulated; the poor little 12-year-old girl crying her eyes out." She looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Your lying little bitch who doesn't deserve to go home," He growled at her.

"Perhaps not but it won't change the outcome of your imminent death." She chuckled darkly and continued."And your right I'm a lying, manipulating, vindictive bitch. It's also how I've killed 14 of the 24 tributes so far, I'm ecstatic to make it 15."

They circled around each other and Kate threw a knife in his shoulder. He charged and she rolled out of the way and grabbed her Katanas from the ground. He swung his ax at her. She ducked and cut off his hands. It was the easiest way to beat him as she knew she couldn't match his strength.

As he was distracted by the pain she tripped him and direct her snake to hold him down by the stubs of his arms; they wrapped themselves around some smaller heavy rocks.

When he realized what was happening his eyes widened in fear. She looked at him and felt pity for him, but then it vanished just as quickly as it came when she remembered what he did to Conner her best friend, her big brother, and the last person she ever gave a damn about.

The capital wanted a show; that's what they were going to get. She tortured him drawing it out as long as she could. She kept repeating to herself this is for killing Connor. He was the unfortunate soul who she took all the anger she had built up from the years from the capital and the games. 7 hours later she heard the familiar sound of the cannon going off signaling his death. Then the trumpets and announcement of her being the next victor.

She smirked and waved at the cameras she saw. She thought this is her chance to get back at snow once and for all.

President Snow's office

He smirked at the screen watching every gory moment that kate had brought for the entertainment of the capital. She was the youngest and deadliest victor to win along with the shortest games in history.

His own personal perfect weapon. The only issue in his way now as she had no family for him to manipulate for her to do his bidding. He would negotiate and find a way for her to be the perfect weapon one way or another. Seeing her act the way she did in the games reminded him of himself and he could see her as a daughter and would gladly treat and teach her as such.

Little did he know he was playing right into her hand.

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