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After Kate got up and moved towards a small swampy creek area she started washing away the poison bubbles from the surface of her skin.

After she finished washing the poison off her skin, she wanted to make sure that any poison that had touched the tips of her hair while running wouldn't burn her in the future. She started picking up more handfuls of water and was washing her hair the best she could. As she scrubbed she saw that the water that was come back down was a whitish yellow. She looked at her hair and gasp. The dye was washing out from her hair. It was probably from the poison mixing the hair dye chemicals.

Her hair at the bottom tips was back to a fiery red again. Many people watching were confusing what was going on with Katherine snows hair. Kate didn't think to much of it as she knew she had to keep moving.

She climbed up to her feet and tried to brush off some of the dirt from her suit. She started walking through the jungle. She tried to look for the group but no such luck. She sighed knowing she was on her own, but she was more worried what her father had in store for her. She was excited also at the same time because she would finally give the people who hurt her what they deserved.

Kate was two lost in thought when all of a sudden the ground beneath her disappeared. She gasped in surprise and her eyes widened. She didn't know if this was her fathers plan or a trap in the arena, but she wasn't willing to chance it. She started running, stumbling along the way as the ground was disappearing beneath her feet. She kept running but as she moved forward she saw that the ground disappeared in front of her and the only way across was to jump.

That's exactly what she did.  She jumped as far as she could, but it wasn't enough. She was short by two feet. She fell and everything went black.


The group had just gotten to the beach. They had just lost mags and had no clue where Katherine was.

"We have to go back Katherine could be hurt," the two men with her could see the worry and desperation in her eyes. They knew there was no way of going back especially with the man eating monkeys on alert.

"Katniss we can't." Peeta tried to calm her.
"But she's all alone Peeta she'll die. This this is all my fault, I shouldn't have let go of her hand."
Katniss started to cry, she hated showing weakness but she couldn't help it.

"Katniss their was no cannon so at least we know she's still alive." Finnick said calmly his voice you could still hear how mags death was taking a toll on him.

The next morning

Finnick was able to get some edible sea food from the water in the center of the arena. They were eating when they heard a scream. They watched as one area was flooded with a huge wave. They we focused on the area and watched an aircraft come pick up a body. They just hoped it wasn't Katherine.

All of a sudden Katniss said,"Someone's here." She took off her bow and notched and arrow ready to fight.

When finnick looked over he saw Johannah and Beetee. He said," Johannah."

He turned and ran.
"Johannah!" He yelled.
The two hugged and a moment later the lovebirds came over.

Johannah told them about the blood rain.
"Tick tick." Was being repeated by Wiress over and over again.

Johannah was separated from the group along with Wiress.

Katniss then realize that the arena was clock after Johannah left her with Wiress.

Katniss told the group as fast as she could. The group made their way to the cornucopia.

Once they got there the speaker to the area turned on.

"Attention Tributes we have a special announcement for you." The voice on the speaker said the group looked at one another in confusion.

"The first challenge of the games will commence in one minute."

"The challenge?" Johannah questioned looking to the others.

The others were just as confused as she was. The count down stopped and the screen on the dome of the arena showed Katherine.

With Kate

Kate woke up and looked around confused. She climbed to her feet when she heard a speaker turn on and say.
"Attention tributes you have 3 hours to eliminate each other. Best of luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Kate looked around and saw she still had one of her belts of knives including a dagger.

This was her fathers doing.

She took a deep breath and started hunting for tributes.

About half an hour in she heard a branch break behind her. She turned around to see a smirking Edith.

"Well, well,well look what I have here Katherine Snow. Today is just my lucky day isn't it." Edith said with a smirk not knowing who she was really up against.
"I have to admit Katherine I'm just so delighted that I get to be the one to kill you."

Kate put on the cold facade she had master and used when she tortured the boy from 7 in her first games.
She replied," what makes you think that?"
She raised an eyebrow in question.

Edith chuckled and said," your nothing more than a capitol icon. You don't have any experience in the real world, always being daddy's little girl."

Kate smirked and said," your right I was a daddy's girl." She paused for dramatic effect. The sentence confused Edith.
Kate continued," But enough about my life in the capitol. Let's get down to ... business. You know I've had a bone to pick with you for a while."

"We haven't met before today." Edith replied. The two girls started to circle each other.

"Now that's where your wrong. You see I know it's been a while but I can't be that unrecognizable."

Edith didn't respond so she continued.

"I'm feeling nice I'll give you a couple hints. The first hint is we've met before on multiple occasions."

Edith still didn't get it. Kate's face showed a bigger smirk.

"Hint two as you can see I'm not naturally blonde." Kate showed her fiery red hair that the dye washed out of.

"And what's any of that supposed to mean to me?" Edith asked clearly on edge.

"Those probably won't but this will." Kate said with a voice so cold that he'll would freeze over. Kate looked down to her hand and pulled off her token that's she wore for both her games and threw it at Edith.

The ring was her fathers wedding ring. He gave it to her the day of her 9th birthday the day before he died.

Edith caught the ring. As she looked at it she gasped in complete shock. She looked up and saw Kate's face. It was like ice.
Kate saw the recognition on Ediths face and said.

"Hello mother."

Death - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now