Chapter 3

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"We think it's time for Rosa to come to America," Luca says, narrowing his eyes at me. He's trying to read my face; gauge my reaction.

"Okay," I nod once.

"Victoria needs a friend," he continues and I cut him off.

"I'm her friend," I protest.

"So am I," Antonio adds, crossing his arms over his chest.

"She only leaves the house to take the baby to the doctor," Luca says, "she has to be reminded to eat and shower. She needs another woman around, someone who can understand better. Rosa was close with Maria, maybe she can be there for Victoria too."

"How does bringing her here solve our issues?" I ask with furrowed brows. Sure Victoria's happiness is important, but not as important as being at war with two different organizations. I'd rather her be alive and upset than dead altogether.

"You're going to marry her," Luca says definitively.

"Scusami?" I ask, leaning my forearms on the desk, "you want me to marry Rosa?"
(Excuse me)

"Sì," Luca nods curtly.

I turn to look at Antonio who only offers a shrug.

"This has to be your dumbest fucking idea yet, Luca," I sigh, shaking my head.

"Shut up," Luca replies, "marrying into the family is a good option. Everyone knows that you and Rosa already have history, I don't see the issue."

"For starters she still lives in Italy," I reply, crossing my arms over my chest, "not to mention she hasn't spoken to me since Enzo's christening."

"What did you do?" Antonio asks with furrowed brows.

I sigh and shake my head, "I have no fucking clue. But this isn't a good idea."

"So what do you propose?" Luca asks, leaning his elbows on the desk, "because I can't come back and Antonio is about a week away from burning us all to the ground. So please Giovanni, what do you suggest?"

"Leave Antonio as the headpiece," I reply, "I can do everything behind the scenes and no one else has to know."

"They won't work with me," Antonio says quietly, "the Sinaloas, the triads, the Irish; none of them will work with me."

"Jesus Christ," Luca mumbles, running his hand down his face.

"We have other cousins," Antonio offers, "there's a few still in Italy and didn't mom's sister move to California?"

"You're right," Luca nods, "Rosa isn't the only option."

"You guys can't be serious," I say, shaking my head, "I'm not a DiSilva, I'm not meant to take over."

"Giovanni," Luca sighs, "you know better than anyone what it means to run this family. You know our men, our territory, our trade. The head of many organizations respect you and you already have relationships because of your work with me. We grew up together, all of us. You're as much a DiSilva as me or Antonio."

I shake my head as he speaks. He's not wrong in the slightest but none of that changes my last name.

"This is the perfect loophole," Antonio adds sheepishly, "at least consider it."

I nod and turn my gaze back to Luca. I narrow my eyes at him for a moment before saying, "I'm not going to force her to marry me. Once you get her here, let me know and I'll go see her."

There's a tense beat of silence in the office. I don't think there's ever been this much tension between us. I shift uncomfortably in my seat as Luca stares me down.

He's right, marrying Rosa is the perfect loophole into the family. I'd immediately be able to take the mantle and right all of Antonio's mistakes.

But he's also right that I have a history with his cousin. We've dated on and off since we were teenagers, typically ending our relationship with huge screaming matches in which both of us leave in tears. We're as toxic as toxic comes and that says a lot from a man raised in the mafia.

I hope to fucking Dio that Luca is the one to bring her this idea. I'm pretty sure if I have to be the one to break it to her, she'll punch out my fucking teeth. And I'd completely let her.

She's a fierce woman; the kind that people call a crazy bitch if they don't know her well. She's loud and has a temper and seems to know the perfect way to get under anyone's skin. But she's gorgeous and funny and very sweet when she wants to be. I honestly have no idea how her and Victoria are even cordial let alone how Luca expects them to become friends.

"Fine," Luca nods in agreement, "I'll have her here by the end of the week. We can all have dinner to talk."

I nod in agreement and glance at Antonio. He's picking at his fingers but offers a small nod as well. Luca claps his hands together before standing and gesturing to the office door.

I leave first and head right back down to the dining room. Victoria snaps her attention to me as I get closer. I quietly go around the table giving Enzo and Elle a kiss on the cheek each before pulling Victoria into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry we brought business here," I say quietly, "non lo capiremo. Non preoccuparti."
(We're going to figure this out. Don't worry.)

"Non nascondere le emergenza a Luca," she replies, just as softly, "I know you and Antonio are trying to keep things away. I'm not as fragile as Luca makes me sound. If there is an issue, please let him help."
(Don't hide emergencies from Luca.)

I nod and release her with a small smile, "you always know exactly what to say."

"It comes with motherhood," she shrugs with a grin. I laugh and shake my head before kissing a sleeping Catarina's forehead.

"I'll see you soon," I say before heading towards the front doors.

God, I know we haven't talked in a while but please don't let Rosa kill me for Luca's idea.

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