Chapter 27 - Rosa POV

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Music is playing in the kitchen as I cook. I dance around the room, collecting ingredients and flipping pancakes on the stove. Michael stands in the doorway, a silent and serious companion. I still think it's absurd to have guards following me even inside the castle but I'll let Gio have this one.

I wasn't lying when I told Victoria that I hate cooking. But breakfast can be fun to make and I don't want us to waste any more time.

"Good morning," Alice chirps from behind me.

I glance at her over my shoulder, "good morning."

She has Catarina in her arms while a sleepy Enzo stands at her side. His little hand is gripping the hem of her dress and he yawns.

"What are you making?" Elle asks, coming to stand next to me.

"Pancakes and bacon," I reply before flipping a pancake. She pushes up on her toes to see better and I smile down at her.

"Where's Mommy?" she asks.

"I think she's still asleep," I pour more batter onto the skillet, "do you want to go wake her up?"

Elle nods furiously before looking at Alice. I follow her gaze and Alice nods in approval. Elle's smile widens and she rushes away. I turn back to making breakfast and step away from the stove to grab some syrup.

"What are your plans today?" Alice asks as she situates Enzo into a high chair.

"I was planning a beach day," I reply, "are you going to come with?"

She changes her hold on Catarina before saying, "if it's not too much, I'd appreciate the day off. I haven't been back here in years and I'd like to visit some friends."

"Not my call," I shrug, "you should ask Vic when she comes down."

"I will," she says, "do you need any help?"

"No," I shake my head, "I'm almost done."

I fill a plate with pancakes and another with bacon before bringing them to the breakfast table. I already have orange juice and syrup set out with a perfectly balanced espresso for both Vic and me. Enzo reaches towards the table, his eyes practically shining at the prospect of bacon.

I quickly fill a plate and place it down in front of him. He has a piece of bacon in each hand before I can even sit down. Alice joins me at the table while shaking a bottle.

"I'm back," Elle yells, her voice echoing off the stone walls.

"Good morning," Victoria says, striding over.

She plants herself in the seat beside me and runs a hand through her hair. I fill both my plate and Elle's before digging in. Elle hums to herself as she eats, a content smile on her face.

"How do you feel about a beach day?" I ask.

"Sounds like fun," Vic smiles in response, "can we bring the kids?"

"Of course," I scoff, "I had the guards go get sand stuff earlier."

"Like for building sandcastles?" Elle asks. She has half of a pancake on her fork that she's holding dangerously close to her hair.

"Yes, caro," I reply, smiling.

I packed everything we could possibly need at the ass crack of dawn. All kinds of sunscreen, tanning oil, towels, buckets and shovels. I even got some of those floaties for the kids. I tucked in some snacks as well; cantaloupe is Elle's favorite fruit and oranges are Enzo's so I packed both.

"Victoria," Alice says softly. She's finished feeding Catarina and is lightly patting the baby's back.

"Yes, Nonna?" Vic takes a sip of coffee.

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