Chapter 2

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Katy practically ran out of the cab as she rushed into Newark airport. "Thank you!" She yelled at the driver, who simply waved back at her before driving off.

"Why did I do this to myself..." She muttered under her breath as she rushed over to check in her suitcase. Luckily the lines for the baggage drop-off were short, and soon she was left with only her purse and carry-on.

With her boarding pass in hand, she rushed through the airport, quickly making her way towards her gate. She skitted to a halt, her purse nearly falling off her carry-on as she handed her boarding pass to the flight attendant. She sighed, she had made it.

"I'm sorry ma'am but you're at the wrong gate."The flight attendant said with a small smile as she handed the pass back.

"What?" Katy panted out, "I thought this was the gate..."

The flight attendant nodded, "It was, there was a gate change, your flight is now leaving from gate B6." She said glancing down at her screen, "But I would hurry if I were you they are about to finish boarding."

Katy nodded, still panting "Thank you." She mumbled immediately rushing over to gate B6. The second she reached the gate she noticed that the flight attendant was about to close the gate. "Wait!" She exclaimed a little louder than she wished she did, "Please can I still get on the flight?"

The flight attendant looked up at her, "You're just in time, but you were cutting it close." She said with a smile.

"Thank you." Katy said handing her boarding pass, "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome," The attendant said with a soft chuckle, "Have a nice flight."

Katy thanked the flight attendant as she made her way onto the plane. Once inside she noticed that everyone was already seated, she truly was the last person to board...

'Seat 3c' She thought making her way over to it. Gently she placed her carry-on in the overhead bin before sliding into her seat, placing her purse down at her feet. The moment she was seated with her seatbelt on she let out a heavy sigh and leaned back into the seat.

"That's one hell of a sigh," A male voice emanated from the seat next to her, with a slight chuckle.

"Rough morning," Katy replied closing her eyes for a moment.

The man next to her chuckled, "I can only imagine."

As the flight attendants started getting ready for take-off, Katy slowly started to nod off.

In fact, she would remain asleep until someone started to gently nudge her. Slowly she opened her eyes, only half registering where she was or why she was sleeping. Once her eyes fully opened she noticed that her head was resting on something, a shoulder to be more precise...

Now she wasn't sure of what was happening, but she was sure that that was a shoulder. Quickly she jumped up, moving away from the man who sat next to her, causing him to chuckle, "It's alright," He said, "I just wanted to wake you up to tell you that they're getting ready to land."

"Oh..." Katy said running a hand through her hair, her cheeks reddening, "Uhm... Thank you..." She paused for a moment, looking down, "I'm sorry for sleeping on you..."

The man chuckled again, "It's alright, you looked like you needed it."

Katy let out a soft chuckle, "I can imagine."

"So where are you headed? " He asked, "If you don't mind me asking. I mean you looked to be in quite the rush."

Katy sighed, "My sister's wedding, she isn't actually getting married for about a week, but I kind of promised her to be there today, and I sort off got caught up in work..."

"Ah, so you're headed to a wedding as well." The man said smiling.

Katy opened her eyes looking at him, "You're also going to a wedding?"

"Yeah, my brother is getting married," He said raising an eyebrow, "You're sister doesn't happen to be Vivianne Woods does she?"

"Oh my god, you're Dave's brother?" Katy said a smile forming on her face, "Eric right?"

The man let out a chuckle as he extended his hand, "Yup, I'm Eric, Dave's brother, and you must be Katherine," He said as the pilot indicated that the crew should sit down for landing. 

Katy chuckled, taking his hand, "Yeah, I guess so, but please call me Katy or Kat, It's nice to finally meet you tough."

"Ah, so you don't like Katherine?"

"Not particularly," Katy said with a half smile, "It just makes me sound so old... So just call me, Katy or Kate, or Kat, I mean nearly everything is better than Katherine." She paused for a moment, "Wait, so if you're Eric, how come I don't recognize you from any photos?"

Eric chuckled once more, "I was thinking the same thing. Though I have to admit, once I saw a rushed-looking redhead entering the plane to Virginia, I did wonder if you could be Vivianne's sister."

"Rushed-looking redhead?" Katy said eyebrow-raising yet again.

"I mean Dave did tell me that Viv had been really worried that her sister might miss her flight. Something about always being caught up in work." 

Katy groaned, pinching her nose's bridge, "I mean, I should've known that... Please don't tell her she was almost right, she'll never let it down."

"Don't worry, I won't," Dave replied with a smile, "Plus, you made it in time." 

Not too long after that, the plane landed, and together they got off it. "So, are you the best man?" Katy said as the two of them walked over to the baggage belt.

Erick shook his head, "No, I had a really hard time getting time off of work; I wasn't sure if I was gonna make it to the wedding at all at first." 

"Ah," Katy said nodding, "Who is his best man then?"

"His best friend Liam," Eric replied as the first bags appeared on the belt, "Apparently he almost had the same issue, but he managed to make it work."

Katy nodded, "Now I am curious though, what did you do again for work? Viv did say something about being a doctor, but I'm not too sure." 

"Pediatric surgeon," He replied as he grabbed his bag from the belt, "You're a lawyer right?" 

Katy nodded, still looking for her bag, "That I am." 

"What kind of lawyer?" 

Katy sighed, "Divorce attorney." She said grabbing her bag off the belt as well. 

Eric turned towards her, "You're kidding me; the maid of honour is a divorce lawyer?" He said with a chuckle.

"I'm aware of the irony," Katy said with a small laugh, "And so is my sister... And my mother..."

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