Chapter 17

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Once the women had returned to the hotel, they decided to freshen up a little and then have dinner with cocktails. As they entered the hotel, they were about to part ways when Claire spoke up.

"So, what's the plan? When do we meet and where?" She said as they all stopped near the elevators.

"I just made the reservation for 7," Katy said, putting away the valet ticket, "It's 4:30 now, I suggest meeting here at 6:30?" she added, looking at her watch.

Claire nodded, "Do we take an uber?"

"Well I don't mind driving," Katy sighed, "I'll just drink mocktails."

"We won't fit in your car, so-" Vivianne started as Melissa spoke up.

"I'll drive as well; cocktails don't really agree with me, remember?" She said.

With that, Cassie and Vivianne chuckled, "Yeah, I sure do," Cassie said, "As does the interior of my old car."

With that, the matter was settled; they were going by car. Each of them then went their own way. Cassie and Melissa went to the pool, Vivianne to the cabin, Thea to her room to unpack, and Katy decided she could really use a relaxing bath.

Once she was in her room, she threw her things on the bed and started a bath. Within no time she was about ready to enter it, when she heard her phone buzz, someone was calling her.

Groaning, she turned off the faucet and walked to her phone. Odd, she didn't recognize the number...

Picking up the phone she answered, "Hello, this is Katherine Green,"

"Hi, this is Mira." The voice on the other end replied.

Katy's eyes went wide as realisation dawned on her, "Mrs Corderoy!" She exclaimed, "Hi, how can I help you?"

"I..." She started, sounding unsure, "I had a couple of questions..."

What started with a bunch of questions regarding the legal proceedings of a divorce turned into Katy listening to Mira talk about her worries and general feelings.

"It's just like I don't know what to do anymore..." She said with a sniffle, "It's just hard, you know..."

"Yeah, I can imagine," Katy replied, looking down at the clock; by now, it was 18:00, and she still hadn't had her bath. Instead, she sat on her bed, naked, talking to one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood.

It was then she heard more voices on the other end, and someone told Mira something she couldn't quite hear. "Ah, okay," Mira said to the person, "I'm so sorry for holding you up this long," Mira said to Katy, "It felt really good talking to you, and thank you."

"I'm glad it did," Katy said standing up from the bed, "and you're welcome,"

With that, they said goodbye, and Katy rushed over to the bathroom; not only had the bath gone cold, but she didn't have the time for it. She showered quickly and got herself ready to go out with the girls.

It was nearly 6:30 when Katy was finally ready. Grabbing her phone and purse she rushed out of her room and over to the elevator. Once inside she started texting Phillip, telling him about her conversation with Mira.

When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, she stepped out and bumped straight into someone standing in front of the elevator. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said looking up and locking eyes with Eric.

"It's alright," He chuckled, "but perhaps next time look up from your phone before walking."

"Fair point," Katy said putting her phone in her purse. It was then she noticed she was on the wrong floor, "This is not the lobby," she said as both of them went into the elevator.

"That's why you should look up from your phone," Eric chuckled pressing the close doors button. "So where are you headed all dressed up?"

"Cocktail night with the girls." Katy said smiling, "And what are you up to?"

Eric sighed, "Well we were supposed to go out for dinner, but we're still waiting for Jim."

"Where is he now?" Katy asked as the elevator doors opened, this time it was the lobby.

"At the airport. Apparantly he thought one of us would be picking him up, and he doesn't want to spend the money on a cab, so Dave is picking him up." He said as they stepped out of the elevator.

"Why is Dave picking him up?" Katy said confused.

"Well Liam offered to do it, but Jim said he'd prefer if Dave or Kevin did it, as he didn't know Liam."

"What an interesting guy that Jim," Katy said sarcastically, disdain clear on her face.

Eric chuckled, "That's a way to describe him."

As they walked into the main lobby, Katy noticed the rest of the girls were already waiting, "Looks like I gotta go," she said before walking over to them.

"Have fun!" Eric yelled after her.

"You too!" She yelled back.

After that the women were off to their dinner and cocktails. They started off slow, but as the night progressed, they got a little bit carried away. At some point Katy decided it was time to get them back to the hotel. At first she got some protest, but with the help from Melissa and a slightly tipsy Claire, they managed to get the rest of the girls back into the cars.

Out of all the girls, Vivianne was clearly the most drunk, as she was still loudly singing along to, he car radio. Which wasn't turned on. By the time they reached the hotel, however, both she and Thea had passed out.

Cassie, who seemed to be pretty drunk when they left the bar, now seemed fairly sober. At least sober enough to get back to her room without needing assistance. But just to be sure, Melissa kept a close eye on her.

Vivianne and Thea however, did need some assistance.

"Thea's room is next to mine anyways," Claire said as they were about to wake them up, "I'll bring her to her room, can you take care of Viv?"

Katy nodded, thankfull that Claire offered to take care of Thea.

Gently she woke Vivianne up, who now seemed to have a whole lot less energy. "Are you coming with me?" She said holding out her hand.

"Where are we going?" She said sleepily taking her sister's hand.

"You'll see when you get there." Katy said coaxing her sister to get out of the car. She'd already given the keys to the valet as she took her sister into the hotel and out to the cabin.

As they started to approach the cabin however, her sister started walking slower and slower, almost falling asleep. "Stay with me now." Katy said, taking off her shoes to be able to support her sister better, "We're almost there."

Viv mumbled something as Katy started hearing loud music. 

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