Chapter 6

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Now for the most part dinner went quite smoothly, apparently, Viviane was the only one who noticed anything. The only problem was that Katy's father decided to talk about the subject that must not be named again...

He smiled taking a sip of his wine before turning to Liam, "So Liam, what is it that you do for a living?"

At that, the rest of the table went quiet, except for Liam who cleared his throat, "I'm an attorney."

Her father nodded, "What kind of attorney?"

"I was instructed not to talk about it," Liam said with a small smile nodding to Dave.

At that her mother's eyes went wide, "You've got to be kidding me..." She muttered as her father started laughing.

"You're telling me that both the maid of honour, and the best man are divorce attorneys?" He said laughing, "Now that is ironic..."

At that, her mother had looked at him angrily and hit him, "Patrick..." She warned.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you don't even find it a little funny." He said taking a sip of his wine, "At least we know, that should this not work out, both the bride and groom already have an attorney."

For a moment the table was quiet before both Viviane and Dave cracked a smile and laughed as well, causing Liam and Katy to smile as well.

"So, do you two know each other from work?" Her father asked Katy and Liam, "Did you two ever come across each other?"

"Patrick!" Her mother exclaimed, this time louder, "We do not talk about this, until after the wedding."

"It's an innocent question, I was just asking if they know each other."

Her mother sighed, "Alright, but that will be the last of talking about their jobs."

"We've met a few times," Katy said forcing a smile once more, "Occasionally we run into each other."

Liam nodded, "Every now and then in court."

Her father nodded and was about to speak up when a waiter arrived to ask them about their desert wishes. With that, the conversation shifted away from Katy and Liam and back to the planning of the wedding.

Once the dinner was over her parents decided to go for a walk in the gardens, and asked if the rest wanted to join them. Viviane and Dave decided to join them but Katy declined their offer, stating that she was rather tired and wanted to turn in early. She bid them all goodnight before heading over to the elevators. Behind her, she heard Liam say something similar before heading in the same direction as her.

Normally she didn't really mind running into him, but right now she just didn't feel up to it. Silently she hoped that he would decide to either still join them on a walk, or take the stairs. When she pressed the elevator button, however, she was alone, 'good', she thought, 'he's probably gonna take the stairs.'

She entered the elevator, pressed the third-floor button and the doors started closing. Closing her eyes for a moment she leaned down to take off her pumps, letting her feet rest for a moment.

Right as the doors were about to close, however, a hand appeared in between them, startling Katy as the door opened once more.

With her shoes in hand, she straightened back up as William Clark stepped into the elevator. Normally he already towered over her, only usually she was wearing heels when she stood next to him, now she really felt tiny.

For a moment he was quiet as he stood next to her. Then, however, he spoke up, "Did you get the gift basket?" He said, looking at her through the mirror, hands in his pockets, wearing his signature smirk.

Katy sighed, looking annoyed, "I did."

Liam nodded, "Did you like it?"

"Not more than I would have liked for you not to steal my client."

"Careful, I heard we're not allowed to talk about work this week," Liam said tauntingly.

"We're not," Katy said dryly.

It was then that the elevator doors opened and Katy immediately moved to step out of it, Liam following suit. "Wait." He said, causing her to halt her step for a moment, "I do actually need to talk to you."

"About what?" Katy said turning around with an eyebrow raised.

Liam sighed, "Look I know we don't exactly get along, but Dave... I mean he just means a lot to me. I just want everything to run smoothly and for us, for just this week to get along."

"So you're proposing a truce?" Katy said crossing her arms, looking at him with an eyebrow raised.

"A truce for the wedding."

Katy nodded, "I agree, all this means the world to my sister and she means the world to me."

Liam nodded extending his hand, "A truce it is," he said as Katy shook his hand.

As Katy let go of Liam's hand he looked at her for a moment, "I just can't wrap my head around the fact that you're that Kit Kat."

Katy raised an eyebrow, "That I'm what now?"

He let out a chuckle, "I'm sorry, Dave calls you Kit Kat all the time, sometimes Katy, but mostly Kit Kat. I mean,  just can't image the oh-so-serious Ms Woods as a theatre kid." He said as he started walking over to his room.

Katy sighed, feeling herself go red as she walked over to her room, "Great..." She mumbled. As she reached her room, however, she noticed that Liam's room was the one right next to hers. 'great...' she thought.

"Goodnight," He said with a wave as he stepped into his room.

The second Katy closed her room door behind her she pressed her back up against it, 'Why?' She thought, 'Just why? Why does he have to be the best man?' She let out a groan as she moved her hand across her face in frustration.

Pushing herself off of the door she took off her heels and placed them back in the closet. She then walked over to the couch and plopped down on it, "Why is this happening to me?" She groaned, putting her head back on the couch. For a moment she lay there, letting it all sink in and thinking about all the consequences this was gonna have.

Then she decided she had to call Phillip. I mean this wasn't a work matter, plus he'd want to know to so she just had to call him. Standing back up again she walked over to her clutch and retrieved her phone, ready to call Phillip.

She only had to wait a mere 2 seconds before Phillip picked up the phone at the other end.

"Couldn't stay away from me could you?" He said in a mock sultry voice.

"You just know I couldn't," Katy replied, matching his tone, "But I need to tell you something."

"Please tell me you know why Clarke is there."

"Oh, I know alright..." Katy said, "Guess who the best man is."

Phillip went quiet for a moment, "You're not telling me-"

"Oh, I am telling you." 

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