Chapter 5

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For quite a while Katy stayed by the pool, finally relaxing. When the time came for her to get ready for dinner, she picked up her stuff and went back up to her room. Not wasting any time, she immediately started getting ready, fixing her hair, makeup and choosing her outfit. Now all he needed was to pick a pair of shoes...

So here she was, sitting on the floor in a fancy dress, staring at the two sets of shoes that she had narrowed it down to... Should she go for the black pumps, the safe option, comfortable not too flashy? Or should she go with the fabulous, slightly flashy golden sandals that were a lot less comfortable?

It was then that her phone buzzed, looking down she noticed that Phillip had texted her back.

'OMG... Are you serious? I wonder what he's doing there.'

ʼ'My thoughts exactly,' Katy thought as she texted him back.

'No clue, yet but I'll let you know if I find out.'

With that, she went back to deciding which shoes she wanted to wear. The dress she was wearing was a dark green colour, meaning that both shoes would essentially go with it, so that didn't matter too much. The jewellery she wore was gold, so that didn't really matter...

It was then that there was a knock on the door, "Housekeeping."

Katy got up from the floor and opened the door. Two chambermaids stood outside of her room, ready for evening turnover.

"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am we'll come back later." One of them said.

"No!" Katy responded, "It's alright, I'm about to leave for dinner anyways." She said holding the door open for them. She then got an idea, "Oh can I ask you guys for your opinion? I need to pick shoes to go with this outfit." She said as she grabbed both sets of heels.

The chambermaids looked down at the shoes for a moment before the blonde one says, "Which one is more comfortable?"

"This one," Katy said holding up the black pumps.

"Then that one." The blonde one said.

"Thank you, guys!" Katy said as she put the pumps on, put her phone in her clutch and left the room.

Once she got to the lobby it took her a moment to find the restaurant. When she finally found it she walked up to the hostess stand, "Good evening, I think the reservation is in my sister's name? Woods?"

The hostess smiled, "Good evening, let me take a look... Ah, let me show you to your table."

Katy followed the lady through the restaurant as she spotted both her sister and Dave. "Hello," She said as the hostess turned back to her stand. Giving her sister and Dave a quick wave, she sat down in the empty chair beside her sister, "So, how are you guys doing?"

"So far so good," Vivianne said smiling, "You're here, the best man has arrived, our parents are here. Dave's parents will be flying in tomorrow, and they'll be here the day after that, things are going great."

"Oh does that mean that tonight I finally get to meet the best man?" Katy said placing the napkin in her lap.

"Actually," Dave said putting his glass down, "We were just talking about how you guys may already know each other."

"Really?" Katy replied raising an eyebrow, "How come?"

"Speaking of the devil," Viviane said a smile spreading on her face.

"Liam! It's good to see you." Dave exclaimed getting up from his chair.

"Hey Liam," Viviane said getting up as well to greet the man.

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