Chapter 2 - Losing The Lucky Star

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Shyla's POV

Is this what we get having mate? Pain, hurt, loneliness, heartbreak, coldness and Emptiness? I ever knew who mate this mate bonding, I want to question him or her, why? why? my fate is sealed like this? Why I have to go through such painful moment when the real adulterers are happy behind my back. Mate is your other half. This is what I am listening since I was a kid but now what? Does those words has any proof? Does someone who is your other half abandon you because you can't shift in your wolf form? Is this what a mate do?

Suddenly I felt pain in my chest. I clutched it as I ran. I don't want to be here anymore. I never want to come back in this pack. Because of my mind not in its place I felt my body bumped with something. I stepped back immediately.

"Shyla? What happened to you?" I heard familiar voice "why do you look so...."

I looked up. His eyes widened as he stared at my face. An expression of shock crossed over his face "Shyla you..."

"Step back" I almost growl. I don't know where did I get such strong voice but today my voice has become somehow rough.

Ben moved back as he still stared at me.

"Go and ask your young alpha who is there fucking my so called half sister. If you go now then may be you can see their beautiful moments or may be even enjoy it" I spat angrily.

In normal days I never curse. Not even bad words forms in my mouth but today, I really don't know what's happening to myself.

"Shyla you ..your .. your..."

"Shut up" I shouted "don't fucking take my name. This kind of dirty place should not exist"

The pain in my chest started to increase, as it slowly spreading in my whole body. I felt like burning inside. Is it because of the rejection? I can't figure out anything. Not thinking much I turned around and started to run towards the pack entrence gate.

"Shyla stop, where are you going?" I heard Ben shouted behind me.

My head snapped back as I glared at him "I dare you to follow me" that was all I said before I finally exited the Bright Shine Pack. The pack area is located near valley and on the left side there is deep forest. It says no one of the pack went there. From the starting point of the forest falls in other area, which may belong to a Powerful pack and Bright Shine never dare to cross the boundary and offend them even though they never officially met. If I want to escape from the pack territory, I need to go to the forest. The moment I step in the forest I will become a rogue, no home, no family and no related pack. I closed my eyes shaking my head.

I have lived in Bright Shine Pack for many years but there was not a day where I was able to get some respect from the pack members, other than Ben there was not a single soul who respected me. My existence in the pack was like an invisible one. Any why is that? Because in the pack I am the only one who couldn't shift in wolf form? Most the werewolves shifts at their 16 but it didn't happen in my case. So they just got a big reason to mock. And I tolerated everything, I swallowed my pride thinking once I become the Luna, then may be they will accept me but today I got to know, I was just daydreaming for myself. Why? Because the reality is far more different from the imagination. And in a blink of eyes all my hope, my dream, my love shattered; like a piece of glass that just slipped from my grasp.

The pain in my body started to increase more. My body started to felt numb. Painfully I dragged my body towards the forest. Once I step in, everything will be done. I will no longer recognise as a member of Bright Shine Pack. And now that's what I really want. To cut all the ties, actually I really don't have any real ties with them, since they are not related to me by blood. Just giving some respect for their care in this year's I gave them enough face and now I have paid everything.

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