Chapter 8 - Kidnapped

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-:Weekend Update:-

Last weekend day, 😚
Hope you enjoy your Sunday Evening with a new twist in the story 😏


Avan's POV

We all sat in the meeting room facing each other. The situation inside the room was dark and filled with silence. We originally planned to take Shyla back in the pack. For that reason we worked hard to find the exact location of the Snow Moon Pack and sent Farid and Salina to persuade the Alpha and place our point. But we didn't expect that Farid and Salina would mess up everything. 

"It was already hard enough to trace their location in that forest maze. That was our chance to make everything right and all you had to do was soften your tongue and persuade them to let Shyla come back. But what did you two do? You can't even perform a single task?" Dad glared at Salina and Farid. 

"Alpha we have tried, but the Alpha of Snow Moon Pack doesn't want to listen to any of our words. It's hard to make them understand the situation. And  Luna became suddenly angry when Salina tried to persuade Shyla" Farid replied. 

"What have you said to Luna?" Dad roared "do you have any idea how their pack works? And who has the most importance there?" Dad groaned loudly " Snow Moon Pack is not something that belongs to ordinary. It said that their pack has been existing for such a long period of time that it has almost become legendary. And the most important person in the pack is not the Alpha but the Luna whom you offended already. The Alpha of Snow Moon Pack has given equal rights to his Luna so going against her means you are going against the whole pack. It's better that the discussion luckily happened to be inside otherwise I think you would not be able to return back safely" 

Salina gasped loudly. Even mom's eyes widened. I was also surprised when I heard that before. The history of Snow Moon Pack is something unique. It's not like our pack or other pack that exists in this werewolf world. They have different kinds of traditions which are completely opposite to us. 

"Are they that dangerous?" Mom asked. 

Dad looked at her "how do you think they are still staying in the second best position over centuries? Do you think it's an easy task to maintain?" 

"Alpha, even though the Alpha and Luna of Snow Moon Pack are aggressive,  Shyla has been with us for so many years. That girl even changed so much that I didn't recognise her" Salina said after some time. 

Hearing her say that, a certain purple orbs flashed in my mind. I could not forget that beauty no matter what I do. 

"I have investigated that matter" dad replied "we all regarded Shyla as a human when she was staying here but it was not actually true. The Snow Moon blood does not transform until they reach 18 years of age. Before 18 their body and personality stays like an ordinary human being but once they awaken their work and shift themselves they change. Not only with their body shape yet with their personality. It's like a growth in them to become stronger and sharp" 

"But she is still our adoptive daughter even if it was in name though" Salina insisted. 

I frowned looking at her. How come she become so dumb like this? Even Shyla was not this dumb when she was still in her ordinary form. 

"You still got the point to argue?" Dad narrowed his eyes "Snow Moon Pack already knows what you did years ago. You stole the baby from them and if it was an ordinary one then I don't think there will be much fuss in this matter but currently it is not. Even if you stole and raised her, once she shifted she will discover it herself even without you telling her the truth. Besides you can't claim Shyla as your adoptive one because Shyla has already reached her prime age and she already proved that she is one of them isn't it?" 

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