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Platonic Yandere(s): Shigaraki Tomura
Prompt: Chainsaw - Should I just break your legs? That way you can never, ever run away again.
(I was too lazy to look up actual places in Japan.)

If you had known who you were playing with every night you would've logged off and created new accounts for yourself. Sure you would lose all your progress and games but it would be better than the mistake of not doing it. Of course it is entirely impossible to warn one's past self of their wrongdoings and force them to fix it so here we are.

It had been another normal night of gaming with your friend. You'd never met him in person but he treated you like a younger sibling. It was nice considering the cold atmosphere between you and your actual siblings. It wasn't anything bad, you just weren't close. "On your right! No! Other way!" "That's left then!" You yelled back, as your character was brutally murdered in the game. "Damn it! You were supposed to be lookout!" "It's not my fault you don't know your right from your left!" He yelled back. There was a yell as his character was also shot down. "Whelp. Do you wanna go another match?" "Actually I was thinking we could play a different game?" You shrugged. "Like what? Minecraft? Dead by daylight?" You asked, maneuvering through your games. "I was thinking more like I try and guess where you live." You laughed. "Good luck buddy! Japan is pretty big!" He just darkly chuckled, making you a bit weirded out. "I think you live in XXXXXX." You laughed nervously. "Lucky guess. So do you want to-" "You live in XXXXXX on Sakura Street. Your exact address is XXX Sakura Street." You froze, your controller falling from your hands. "W-what?" "I'll see you soon little sibling." With that chilling message your voice call dropped leaving you sitting in silence, shaking.

You sat on your bed, anxiously glancing between the window and your bedroom door. It had been two days since the voice call. Since then you had received multiple pictures of yourself as well as your home, school and friends. You were an anxious wreck. The smallest sound sent you scrambling for the weapon you had laid beside your bed, your backpack full of heavy books. So you heard when your front door, downstairs, was thrown from it's hinges. You heard your siblings get into an altercation with whoever was down there before everything went quiet. You grabbed your bag as well as your phone, climbing out onto the roof outside your window. "You have reached the XXX Police. What is your emergency?" "Someone broke into my house. I think they hurt my siblings." You quietly said, glancing back at your closed room. "What is the address?" "XXX Sakura Street in the XXXXXXX District." You could hear the operator talking to someone else before you clearly heard her voice again. "The police are on their way. Please stay on the line. Are you still in the house?" "N-no. I'm on the roof outside my bedroom window." A loud bang made you turn and look through the window. Someone was in your room, grinning like a maniac. "Found you little sibling." He lunged at the window and you grabbed your bag, smacking him in the face with it as he got to the window. You slid down the roof, so hyped on adrenaline you barely thought out the fact that you jumped off the roof, leaving your running through the streets, your phone clutched in your hand. 

A few minutes later you had reached the more industrial part of your district. Looking down you almost started sobbing. Your phone was dead and completely unresponsive. Great. Now how were you supposed to get help? You decided the best course of action would be to find someone to help you. So you took off running again, ignoring the exhaustion taking a hold of you. Eventually you found someone, a man with black hair and electric blue eyes with patchworked skin. "Excuse me sir. I need help. Someone broke into my house." The man looked you over before pulling out his phone. "Okay kid. What's your name?" "Y/N. Y/N L/N." The man made some face you couldn't quite catch in the dim streetlights. He tapped away on his phone before turning back to you. "Wait here for me. I'll be right back." With that he walked away leaving you panting and exhausted. As well as completely unaware of the purple warp gate slowly opening behind you. However the second you heard an annoyed laugh you whipped around. "Weren't you the one who always asked me to save you from your boring life? The one who begged to meet me?" He asked, you slowly backed away from him as he approached. "Well I finally come to you and yet you don't appreciate it. You don't appreciate me, your big brother, who came all this way to see you and take you away." He lunged forward suddenly, grabbing you and placing four fingers on your neck. "Should I just break your legs? That way you can never, ever run away again." He mused, making you start sobbing. "No. No. You just wanted to play a game of tag with your big brother. That's all this was. Well tag, you're it." With that you were dragged into the swirling purple warp gate, never to be seen again.

"Tch. Poor kid." Dabi muttered, walking away. Honestly he felt a bit bad for giving you up to Shigaraki. However that could be fixed with a bit of arson, as could everything wrong in his life.

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