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Platonic Yandere(s): Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)
Prompt: Escape - Did you really think you can get away from me?
TW: Abuse

Kai had scared you. All you had done was try and protect one of his experiments and in return he had struck you and sent you to your room. He had threatened you before but had never physically hurt you until now. You had been inconsolable, crying for hours. After that you had constantly flinched away from Kai. One day you had seen an opportunity and taken it, running away from the yakuza and Kai, hopefully forever.

Years had passed since the day you'd ran away, being found by the pro hero Night Eye. He had taken you in after you'd made yourself useful with building items, quickly getting into the Support Course at UA when you were old enough. Working alongside your classmates and helping out the hero course was like a dream come true... until it had happened. 

You had left Night Eye's agency with Lemilion and Deku to go on patrol with them and watch from afar. You had just wanted to see how some of the new support items were working (and to be there to lecture the hell out of Deku if he somehow destroyed his hero suit AGAIN). Until a small girl had bumped into them. Being the caring person you were you had emerged from the shadows to see what was up and to ask if you should call Night Eye. However that had been a mistake on your part. In an instant you had been frozen, staring at the eyes of your older brother. Eyes you had escaped the judging glare of for 5 years. Kai, or Overhaul as he now went by, had taken you easily as well as the little girl. Carrying you right back to the one place you never wanted to see again.

"Did you really think you can get away from me?" His condescending tone made you angry. Kai didn't deserve to be called an older brother after all he had done. Hurting a child, hitting you... and now he had taken away your quirk. Angry tears fell down your face as you refused to look at him. He had ruined your life. Now you were left chained up in some white room waiting for a savior to come. If only you had just called Night Eye first...

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