Ch. 1 The Abbergon Demons

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In a demonic dimension called Abbergon lives five powerful and sexy demons. They are the dark knights and soon to be rulers of their home. This story starts off with Hunter reading a book. Hunter is the smart one and less violent one his power is possession. He can possess you just like any ghost or demon, but once he is done your body will be hurting for awhile. As he sits and reads his book and argument between two other demons start and they are very loud.

"ASH I WILL KILL YOU FOR TOUCHING MY STUFF" said one of the demons.

"I'm sorry Dane it was an accident" said Ash. Both of them are loud and disturbing Hunter. Ash folds his hands together and brings them to his mouth and starts whispering. Dane tries to attack him with his daggers but he can't, "ASH I WILL KILL ONCE YOUR FORCE FIELD IS GONE YOU CAN'T WHISPER FOREVER".

As you can see Dane is the violent one his power is destruction he can also cause death. Ash is the nice and innocent one. His power is incantations he whispers spells and one of them is protection. "HEY you two shut the hell up I can hear you a mile away" said a demon walking in the room.

"You know Draven as leader you can enforce better control around here" said one the demons leaning against the wall in the distance. "Your over there slouching why didn't you do something Lucifer".

"Why should I Dane will just tire himself for trying to punch down his protection incantation".

Draven is the leader and aggressive, he has lots of anger issue problems. His power is called Satan Eyes. His eyes turns red and he can control your actions as well as your decisions and he has telepath. Lucifer is the quiet and deep one and also isn't as violent. He calls his power motionless which means he can freeze things and make you go unconscious.

"I swear living with you people make me wanna set myself on fire" said Draven.

"Tell Ash to stop touching my stuff and then I won't have to kill him ever five seconds" said Dane.

"You want to kill anyone you see breathing" said Lucifer.

"Let's go we have business to attend to come on" said Draven.

They all follow him through the castle to their demon circle. "Ash seal the door with one of your incantation" said Hunter. Ash sealed the doors and sat in the circle with the others. "Hurry up Ash we need you in order for this to work. Hurry and say the words" said Draven.

"You can't rush him it takes time for this to even work you know and he's gonna be using all his energy so I understand if he takes his time" said Hunter. Ash joined on the circle and closed his eyes and fold his hands. When he opened his eyes lids, his eyes are pure white and are glowing. The demon circle they sat on was also glowing and moving.

Then black liquid came from Ash eyes then he fell over and the ritual stopped.

"What happened to him is he okay" said Dane.

Lucifer got up and walked over to him, "he's fine but there is some black stuff dripping from his eyes" he said in a calm deep voice.

"Um something wrong its not working" he said.

"WHAT! Why isn't working are you saying it right" said Draven.

"I never say any incantations wrong and my powers feel weaker for some reason" he said.

Dane said "weren't you already weak Ash".

"Dane that's not nice I think something wrong we need to go check on the relics" said Hunter.

Draven asked Ash to unseal the room he said can't because he is weak. But Dane broke down the door with his powers. They walked ten minutes to the relic room but then each of them started feeling hurt like a sharp pain their bodies. Once they were able to walk off the pain and go see their mom. She was kinda like a witch not really but close, also she gives great advice to the boys. "Mom something is wrong with the circle and us" said Hunter. "I know the place is losing its magic.

The relics don't have enough energy so we need to act fast". Their mom said they need to go sacrifice the creature".

"WOOO finally some action" said Dane.

They all go under the chambers to go find the creature. They find the creature laying on the ground with its eyes open. "What's wrong with it. Is it dead" asked Draven. Lucifer went over and checked his pulse. "Its not dead still has a heartbeat and its breathing only a little bit though" he said. "While its still partial live we can still do the ritual" said Hunter pushing up his glasses.

Out of nowhere Dane slit the creature throat and Draven was upset. "DANE WHY DID YOU DO THAT. Ash has to do the incantation then we kill it". "Oh right well I forget Ash even exist half of the time".

"Great now this filth is useless to us I hope mom can help us". Once they were walking to the centered of the castle they started feeling that same pain only it was worse. They fought it and they found their mom, "what's going on where is the soul" she asked.

"Dane killed it before Ash can say the incantation" said Hunter. Their mom sigh and gave the boys strength so they will be okay. "Your powers are changing since you guys are getting older follow me". She brought them to her studies, "since your getting older your powers now feed on fear, negativity energy, and human souls like most demons now. I used my magic to restore some power for you guys. Go on for now until tomorrow".

The boys went back to their chambers. "Why did this have happened now of all times. I'm gonna be like the lesser demons here" said Draven.

"It was matter of time before this happened. We are getting older so our bodies are maturing so I can completely understand the situation" said Hunter.

"I don't I have fun killing I don't mind feeding on fear or negativity or whatever" said Dane.

"This room is filled with negative energy right now" said Lucifer.

As everyone was talking Ash was looking through his books of incantations. He was born with knowing incantations by heart but the book helps him learn some more.

"Maybe I can find a incantation to help our home. Because without the soul or relic this place would be gone and weak because we are at war" he said.

"Not sure if your incantation will be strong enough. Also which means as the dark knights such as ourselves will have to go out and actually gain power" said Hunter.

"I'm sorry Hunter, LUCIFER are you sleeping over there" shouted.

"I'm not sleeping I'm resting my eyes" he said. "Your voice sounds deeper then usual which means you were sleeping" he said.

Lucifer faces him with a straight face and his arm crossed, "your so annoying" and he goes back closing his eyes. Draven mouth drops to the floor and he can't believe his brother.

"I mean an easy option so we don't have to do this. We could just go down the hall upstairs and,"

"Uht uht don't even finish that, we are not doing that" Dane said.

Ash told him it was just a suggestion. Draven told him a horrible one. Draven told him does he need a reminder of that pain again. Ash said no he doesn't but he is sick of feeling those sharp pains all the time.

"There bearable for me, after the third time I had gotten use to it" Lucifer said.

"Now you wanna join the conversation. Okay listen since I have Lucifer ears for a minute. This mission is in and out, fastest way to get souls is by killing people so that's what we are doing" Draven said.

"Why killing though we can't feed on fear or negativity" Ash asked.

"Why did they create you like that? It's your both a demon and angel" Dane said sounding frustrated.

"Maybe I have morals or maybe sense that I don't wanna cause a bloodly massacre. They don't deserve their body parts to be hacked off" he said.

"That's the only fun thing about killing, it's not exciting when they aren't screaming" Lucifer said.

"Ash of all people you should knkw creating fear is a waste of power. Our abilities are limited because of it. So killing is the best option" Hunter said.

Ash says he knows killing is the best option but the way they are describing it sounds very unholy. Draven told everyone discussion is over and they decided to go to bed.

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