Ch. 2 Earth Dimension

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The next day in the castle the demons walked to their mother's room. "Mother are you finished yet I grew impatient after waiting for three hours" said Draven. "Hold your tongue I'm almost done" she said. Once she was done she opened a portal to the Earth Dimension. "I'll stay here and buy you guys some time" she said. They boys walked through the portal as they enter. A few steps as they walked forward and the portal closes behind them. Their skin started burning and could barely move.

"AHHH MY SKIN IS ON FIRE" shouted Dane.

"I can't breathe I feel so weak" ash said kneeling down. "I didn't think the earth environment would affect us this much" said Hunter.

Minutes later they got use to the earth environment and decided to start wrecking havoc. "I can't wait this is gonna be fun" said Dane. There was a semi-truck coming down the road. Then he decided to flip the truck on the road and crashed cars and road damage. "So you just dive right in and flip whatever that is" said Ash. "Hey Ash your a demon start acting like it. Plus you know my power is destruction and you know how I am" he said. Next thing you know their eyes start glowing, "you feel that Ash its power your welcome" said Dane. "If we are feeding off negativity like this little kids give off better fear" said Hunter. So they boys saw some kids near a convention and decided to go terrorize them.

Inside the convention was a girl named Lyla with her friend. Her friend cosplayed as Nagatoro but her friend Lyla didn't come in a cosplay instead she just wore an anime jacket. They were at a table filming a tiktok.

"I'm so happy you decided to come to the Con with me" said her friend.

"No problem I like these if I had a cosplay i would of dressed up but this jacket will do" said Lyla.

"Its great because I get to interact with people in the show or see if someone matched with me" she said. Lyla and her friend decided to enjoy the Con when her phone ringed. "Sorry I have to go we can come back together its here for a week" she said. Her friend understand and let's her go she walks outside to go home but then she sees five guys in demon cosplays messing with a bunch of kids.

"Hey leave them alone why are you messing these kids" she said. Draven asks if the kids belong to her she says no then he responds saying "then shut the fuck up and mind your business". "Excuse me listen I don't know what your roleplay is or whatever but you can't do that to kids" she said. While they were talking the kids tried to runaway and Dane tossed a dumpster their way of course they were unharmed.

"D-d-did you just move that dumpster with your hands" she said panicking. She had a curiosity and she grabbed Draven horns on his head. The other demons were shocked and Lucifer covered Ash eyes. Draven started blushing when she touched his horns. She let go and said "either those are real horns or that is some really good glue" she said. He looks at her very upset but he is still blushing, "what in the name gives you the right to touch me".

She saw as his eyes started flickering colors black and a bright red. "Y-your a...all of y-you" she said then she faints on the ground. "Draven are you okay" asked Ash, he responds saying "I'm fine Dane just kill her and let's go". Dane said "with pleasure" as he grabs his Dagger. "Don't kill her Dane" said Hunter. "Oh come why not" he said, "because we are on a world we know nothing about if we are gonna do this we have to play smart. She can be a prisoner that we can use in order to help us in what we need to do".

Draven agrees and he asks Lucifer to carry her. Ash use his incantation in order to go to Lyla house. Once they got there Lucifer gently placed her on her couch. "This is a weird place you sure she lives here" said Dane. "My incantation led me here so yeah this is her chamber" Ash said. "Doesn't matter search this place to see if it has any weapons or something in this chamber" said Draven.

They went to search the place and few seconds later Lyla woke up. "W-what happened I'm back home was it a dream" she said. She heard someone coming so she decided to lay down and pretend sleep. She peaked out of one eye and saw one of the horned guys. She got up and tried to leave quietly but one of them spot her and she ran to the kitchen and grab a pan that was on the stove.

"Stay back or I'll scream for help" she said.

"You wouldn't be the first girl I made scream" said Dane.

They all heard the commotion and they all came. "Don't come any closer or I'll call 911"she said. As they came closer she threw the pan at Draven face and tried to make a run for it. But Lucifer grabbed her and she screamed and tried to wiggle free but Lucifer was strong. "Oh my gosh shut her up before she alerts someone" he said. Lucifer put his hand over her mouth but she was still screaming. "Its fine she will tire herself out at any moment" said Hunter.

For three hours straight she was still screaming. It was muffled because Lucifer hand was over her mouth but its getting annoying. "OH MY GOSH LET ME KILL HER SO SHE SHUTS UP" said Dane. "I'm kinda with him its getting annoying" said Ash. "Let me see if this will work" said Hunter. He got up and said "excuse me miss" then clapped his hand in her face then she stopped. "Why didn't you do that early Hunter" Dane said.

"I didn't think it will work. Excuse me there might been a misunderstanding. I'll explain if you promise not to scream" he said.

She nodded her head, "Lucifer let her go" he said. He puts her down on the ground then pats her head then walks away. He grabs her hand and bows as he puts her hand on his forehead. "My apologies miss I'm sorry for the intrusion. We don't know where we are and we could really use your help if you could cooperate with us we won't hurt you" he said. "Um I'll be right back excuse me" she said then walked to the bathroom. "What the hell was that Hunter" said Dane. "Did you want her to be screaming for another hour or so. She is a human let alone a girl and after examine her house I know what kind of girl she is. You have been patient and gentle with her" he said. "How do you know that Hunter" Ash asked. "Well last night back at Abbergon I knew where we were going so I decided to study more. I know what I'm talking about so its safe and smart for us to go down this route" he said. In the bathroom Lyla is over the sink rinsing her face. "Ok this is a dream Lyla. You are having a hot dream because there is no way five sexy demons are outside this door. Okay let's go see if I'm crazy".

She walks out with her eyes closed to her living room. The boys look at her and are confused. She breaths in and exhale and open her eyes slowly. "And you guys are still here. Um so your actually demons I need to know" she said. "I would be lying if I said no. Our world is in a crisis and we came here to help it" Hunter said. "O-okay um so you don't have anywhere to live or spend the night. Um I don't feel comfortable letting a bunch of guys I just meant in my house let alone demons but since you said you won't hurt me you can crash here". They heard a something get knocked over and they immediately and took out their weapons. "No no no don't hurt it" she said walking to her pet, "this is my fur baby. He is harmless well if you provoke him he will bite you and trust me it hurts". "What's a fur baby" asked Ash. "Its my child it also has fur because it an animal. You hurt him you die" she said. "So humans call guardians something else hmm interesting" said Hunter. "Ok you can sleep out here okay. Don't make any noise or break anything" she said. She took her pet with her in her room. "Welp I'm tired I'm gonna sit here and rest my eyes"" said Dane. "No one is doing anything. Listen while we are here living in this house she is our prisoner. I'll explain the rest of the plan along with Hunter plan tomorrow" Draven said. So the boys then got comfortable and rested their eyes.

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