Ch. 3 Human Prisoner

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Its the next day and Lyla is in her bed her alarm clock goes off. She goes to turn it off and stretched her arms and sees the demon boys looking at her. She quickly covers herself and screams, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM".

"To make sure you don't escape prisoner" Draven said.

"That would be a great idea. Unfortunately if I did escape i'm pretty sure you would find me again" she respond.

"Also Dane tried to kill you last night which is a reason why we are in here. Here I can show you what happened mind if I use your magic mirror" Ash said.

"Its not a know go ahead" she said.

He whispered as a video of what happened showed up on the mirror. Lyla was getting out of her room going to the bathroom. Dane happened to hear and opened his eyes and saw her. He crouched next to the couch and watched the door to see if she would come out. She did after a minute and went back into her room. He pulled out one of his knives and walked to her room. She fell asleep very quick as he looked down on her. He rubs her head and whispers, "this is gonna be painless".

As he goes in to stab her Ash stops him with his wand staff, "what are you doing" he said in a low voice.

"I don't trust her she was doing some weird shit in another room" he said.

"So that gives you right to kill her what's the matter with you. Why is violence always your mind" he said.

"Why is being a dumbass on your mind. Do you want to kill her so you can accomplish something finally" he said.

"No I'm following orders she's a prisoner and we aren't to kill her" he said.

"Wow you are such a pussy Ash I can't believe it" he said.

"If I was one I wouldn't be here trying to stop you. Hunter and Draven orders were not to kill her. Do you have any self respect for yourself" Ash said. "Fuck Draven and Hunter's bitch ass okay I do what I want, when I want, when I feel like it" he said in a louder voice. Then everyone else came in the room, "what is going on in here" Draven said in a mild tone. "Draven don't be too loud she could wake up" said Hunter. "She tried to escape so I'm doing next best thing which is killing her" Dane said. "Ash go bring me a chair we're all gonna stay here all night" said Draven.

After that the mirror stop playing and Lyla jaw dropped. "Get out of my room...NOW" she said. They all left and she laid down on her bed, "why is this happening to me I thought these hot demons would been a dream". She got out of bed and walked out of her room wearing a long shirt and knee socks.

"Look if I'm gonna be helping you we need to set some ground rules" she said.

"Prisoner don't make rules and you don't tell me what to do" Draven said.

"I don't care what you listen to. All of you stay the FUCK out of my room okay. Anyhow you go in there without my permission I will kill you" she said.

"I would love to see try plus we're stronger than you so you really don't scare us" said Dane.

"If you want me to help with whatever crisis you have you will listen to me" she said.

"We won't go in your room miss you have my word" said Hunter.

"Another thing stop calling me miss or PRISONER. My name is Lyla very easy to remember".

"That's a very pretty name I like it" Ash said.

"Enough listen prisoner you will help us blend into this strange world we are in. It will help us on mission while we are here" said Draven.

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