Ch. 5 What is Abbergon

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Lyla was getting ready to go to the library with her other friend. She walked her room and was heading to the door. "Where are you going" asked Draven. "Outside this door I have a life okay. I'll be back and don't open this door for no one okay let it knock until they leave" she said. She left and locked her door and headed to the library. "What if she doesn't come back" asked Ash. "We'll be able to trace her. Same way we found her house" Draven said. "Shh this murder show is back on and its getting exciting" said Dane. Lyla got there and her friend was outside waiting for her. "Hey Lyla I got the lattes and food" said Her friend. "Nice to see you again oh I miss you so much" she said. They walked in and grabbed a table. "So basically you know I need help writing this paper. But before we do how's life" she asked. "Oh its challenging now and I hope it gets better" she said. "Also did you hear about that rip in our world" she asked.

Lyla asked what she meant, "science discovered that a mass of energy was used by that convention and they think a gateway might of opened" she said. "Plus you know me I will do anything for a bit of fame". "Oh so we are here to study about gateways. Oh Paige you have not changed one bit" she said. "I know come let's go find books". They picked up books from the supernatural section and began reading. "I don't know how you talked me into these things" she said. Lyla looked at Paige's book and saw something familiar, "wait go back Paige". Lyla looks at a symbol and said in her head "that's the same symbol they were standing on in the cemetery". "Um Paige how would you like to do a research with me. This symbol looks familiar to me and i would like to know more about it". "Hmm well we can look it up on the computer but there this one library we can go to that has stuff like this" said Paige. They spent hours in the library searching up that symbol. Afterwards they left and Paige said she will look more into. She went home and they boys were watching a sitcom. But she noticed neither of them had on shirts and she started blushing. "W...where did your shirts go" she said stuttering. "Well it got hot in here and it felt better when we took off our shirts" said Dane. Lyla went to her thermostat and changed the temperature. "Where did you go for so long" asked Ash. "I went to the library to hangout with my friend" she said. Lucifer asked what's a library and Lyla said, "its a place where humans hold our knowledge. We have books with information on anything also books for entertainment" she said. "We have a similar thing on Abbergon although we call it something different" said Hunter. "Um quick question when will you be returning back to your world" asked Lyla. "When we are done doing what we need to do here" said Draven. "What is that exactly because all you have done is kill and hurt people and be absolutely jerks here" she said. "Well the buried bodies helped very much there were a lot of souls there. I didn't expected that many souls to be there" said Ash.

"Exactly what were you doing there" she asked. "Ash collected the souls by his incantations and transferred them to us" said Lucifer. "Wow you steal souls typical demon behavior. You know what you guys wanna play the question game" she said. Hunter asked what was that and she said "well basically I want to learn more about each of you so I want to ask you questions and if you want you can ask me a question" she said. Dane said that's boring and stupid Lyla respond saying whoever asked the most question gets to kill a human tomorrow. "Okay my first question why are your clothes so terrible" said Dane. "Rude but guess what we don't live in that age now at one point we did dress like you but not anymore. Plus I would not like wearing your outfits they look unbreathable and heavy" she said.
"Okay my question is there any such thing as love on whatever world you live on" she asked. "What is this love word" asked Lucifer. "Um its a feeling we feel towards people or things. Like love for your wife or girlfriend" she said. "Oh you mean lust we have that. Not a lot of it though only towards certain people" said Dane. "Only the woman in the castle get treated really special" said Draven. "I have question what does this do. You gave it to us and I don't know to work it" said Ash. "Hunter didn't you forget how to use the walkie talkies" she asked. "I did learn how to use it. You pressed this button and you talk into. Also when you twist this it goes on different settings so certain people can hear. If you want to turn it off then push this antenna down" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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