Ch. 4 Earth Custom

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Its the next morning and Draven comes through the wall and doesn't see Lyla. "She didn't escape I sealed her in her room. She can't get out" Ash. Draven said in a calm voice "unseal it and let her out. Dane tell everyone to come out here". Everyone walks out and are facing Draven. "Look Prisoner or Layla or whatever I don't do this. But I'm gonna make living accommodations with you better. You still listen to what I say as you help us with why we are here as Hunter said". "How is that better if I have to listen to you like your my dad. And don't call me prisoner okay I have a name and it isn't Layla" she said. "Do you even know our names" Dane asked. She said pointing at each boy, "your name is asshsole, you're smart ass, you're nice ass, you're crazy ass, you...your cool" she said. "I'm sorry were you just getting smart with me. I will chain your ass" before he could finish Lyla stepped in. "Okay um no I do know that your Hunter" she said pointing at Hunter. "Whatever like I said while we are here you will help us blend into this disgusting world" he said. "Okay but I have some demands. One stop calling me prisoner, you stop trying to kill me, also if anyone asks just say your a friend of mine or family member doesn't matter". Draven said "deal and also I don't know your name so until I know it I'm going to be calling you prisoner or human". "Isn't your name Lyla" ask Lucifer, "yes it is. Now I'm hungry just do whatever I don't care I'm gonna go eat" she said.

Moments later Lyla came out of her room and she saw Ash by a corner looking at a book. So she walked over there and decided to get to know him. "Hi what are you doing in this corner" she ask. "Brushing up on my incantations. Im learning new ones that I don't know" he said. "Oh so your like a warlock that's nice I guess". "No warlocks are male witches plus they're evil" he said. Lyla looks at Ash because she is puzzled, "your a demon aren't you evil", "no I'm actually one of the nice ones here. And since I'm the youngest I have the weakest power" he said. "Youngest? So all of you are brothers" she asked. "Sorta of you could say we are brothers but not really. Its kinda complicated to explain" he said. While he was reading Lyla was staring at his horns on his head, "Can I touch your horns". Ash got embarrassed and started blushing then he looked at her. "Sorry I'm just curious what they feel like. We have animals here with horns and I always wondered what they felt like". "Uh I'm not comfortable with you doing that" he said. "Its fine just curious..." before she could finish her sentence Hunter and the others came to talk to her. "Miss Lyla we would like you to take us outside to see the world more" Hunter. "Uh that's not happening. Because you don't know my world and you might do something stupid" she said. "How are we supposed to learn if we're stuck in here" said Dane. "I can teach you guys stuff in here. If you have question just ask me". "Ok what do you guys do for fun around here because I'm bored" said Dane. "Keep myself entertained by being on my phone or watching tv. You know what here let me teach you one human thing". She told the boys to sit on the couch. "Ok this is called a TV us humans use it to entertain ourselves. This is the remote to control the Tv as in like turn it on, change the channels, blah blah. So if your bored you can use this to entertain yourselves. Since your demons let me put something on that's more up your alley" she said.

She put on a horror movie dealing with demons and possession. She put the remote on the table then the boys eyes were glued to the Tv. For five hours the boys stared at the Tv. Lyla got out the shower and saw them watching Looney Toons. "Are you seriously watching Looney Toons. You guys actually like this stuff" she said. At once the boys shushed her then she went to her room to get dressed. Then laid on her bed watching tiktoks, "at least they won't be bothering me". The next day, Lyla woke up and they were still watching Tv except this time they were watching Tom and Jerry. She went over to the plug and plugged it out of the socket. "Ok you guys are too obsessed with this thing" she said. "Pfft No we are not you just showed this to us" said Dane. "Today is tomorrow. You've been staring at this thing since yesterday...and night". "Draven we have to go in the miracle water. We were supposed to go yesterday but obviously we got distracted" Ash said. "Ugh fine let's go" he said, they went through the wall and Lyla was confused when Ash said miracle water. While they were doing whatever Lyla went to the store real quick. She came back and the boys were sitting on the couch. "Where the fuck were you" Draven said in a mild tone. "Does it matter I came back. I shouldn't though but I want to live. But I bought some stuff for you guys and I'm gonna go broke dealing with you. These are walkie talkies and its cheaper than a phone. We use this for communication so I got one for all of you". "The stuff on the world fascinates me we don't have anything like this on Abbergon" said Hunter. "Abbergon? Is that the name of your world. What's it like over there" she asked. "Boring" Lucifer said in a low deep voice. "Its not boring nothing rarely happens so we get bored and have nothing to do" said Draven.

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