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SOLLEL CONTROLLED the rage inside her upon seeing Cira unconscious on the floor with a slave collar around her neck and calmly sat in the living room. In front of her was Lord Tyon Duves, who had a sadistic and disgusting smile while eyeing her like she was a premium piece of meat that he wanted to devour; he was almost salivating.

Seeing the defiant woman acting docile in front of him, Lord Tyon snickered in delight. "Now you know your place, woman. A commoner like you should be happy that I want your touch! You should even kneel before me!"

Lord Tyon was sneering, but Sollel's attention was not on Lord Tyon but at the halfling standing behind him.


Sollel didn't need any explanation, seeing Len standing behind Lord Tyon like he was seeking protection. Her mind immediately and unforgivingly branded Len a traitor.

Lord Tyon stood and walked toward Sollel with a dirty wicked smile. "If you want to be forgiven, you should undress and kneel before me, or else, you will meet the same end as your elf friend here." Lord Tyon kicked Cira in the stomach while laughing maniacally. "Kneel and worship me and I might forgive you!"

"Lord Tyon told you to kneel!" Len sneered at Sollel. "Kneel before him now and beg for mercy!"

Sollel remained passive and uncaring, and it unnerved Len. It also infuriated Lord Tyon that he tried to grab Sollel to rip her clothes off. But Lord Tyon plan backfired when a scalding-hot, sharp pain pierced his hand as he touched Sollel.

Lord Tyon backed away, screaming in pain and clutching his burned hand. The smell of burning flesh filled the air. Lord Tyon's sharp, unforgiving eyes glared at Sollel, all the more wanting to rip her to shreds and violate her until he was satisfied. But how could he do that when he couldn't even touch her?

"You will pay for this, you filthy commoner!" Lord Tyon screamed in rage. He felt humiliated! He's Lord Tyon, one of the most powerful men in this town! How dare this lowborn woman defy me! he thought.

"Hurting me is the same as hurting the whole Duves Family. Are you courting death?! I will grant it to you, you filthy whore!"

Lord Tyon confidently drew his sword; a smug smirk made its way to his lips when fire covered it. His sword was enchanted with flames by the flame sorcerer of his family. A rare weapon that could only be wielded by the heir of the Duves family. It's the weapon that he's most proud of.

But the pride in Lord Tyon's eyes slowly dissipated when the flame of his sword—the flame of his flaming sword that he was so proud—started dimming. It left his weapon and went to the cloaked woman, like it was being sucked by her. And then the flame disappeared. Just like that. The heirloom of his family...gone!

Sollel could only chuckle when the flame of Lord Tyon's sword fled to her. She didn't suck it, like Lord Tyon was thinking. The flame merely wanted to go back to its original owner.

"You will pay!" Lord Tyon was in rage as he willed the slave collar on Cira to tighten and kill her. He saw the two enter the tavern, and Lord Tyon knew that killing the elf was the only way to get back at the woman.

Seeing the elf choking to death, Lord Tyon laughed maniacally while his whole face was filled with desire to violate her. The more the women suffered because of him, the more he got more excited. "Yes! That's it!" His face was fully aroused while watching the elf. "Die! Die for me! Oh, so beautiful!"

Lord Tyon was so occupied that he didn't feel the condensed, hot air that materialized into a thick, transparent heat shield that Sollel tossed at him until it slammed on him and threw him against the solid wall, his back breaking at the fierce impact.

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