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IN HAKKERAN'S arms, Sollel felt safe and secure as she rested her head on his chest. And as they gradually put a distance between them and her moonrite prison, Sollel could feel her strength gradually coming back, but the bad news was, her blood had been drained and she was back to being weak.

Maybe not as weak as before, but her strength now was nothing compared to her strength when she razed hell in the Hallowed Valley.

"Hakken..." Sollel whispered softly, "I'm weak again. I can't raze hell if I'm this weak. I can only make few small balls of flames in my state right now.

Hakkeran pulled his Krahika close to his chest as he starts to ascend on the spiral staircase. "I readied a big feast for you, my lady. You'll be full in no time."

Sollel was silent, so Hakkeran asked. "Don't you trust me, my Krahika?"

"I let you drag me back here, remember? Of course, I trust you, but I'm still slightly mad at you, Hakkeran." Sollel glared at Hakkeran. "That bastard emperor kicked me so many times and you just stood there!"

"I will make it up to you. Please don't be mad, hmm?" Hakkeran sounded sweet, but fearless and strong that it left Sollel stunned for a moment. She was not used to that.

It was the first time for Sollel to hear that kind of voice and tone from Hakken or Hakkeran.

When she was with Hakken before, he was always so sweet, soft and caring, while Hakkeran on the other hand was distant and cold — always holding back, but still caring.

And now that he's back to being 'whole', the man in front of her now was kind of different, but familiar at the same time.



Even the tone of his voice was different. Sweet, but rugged. This is not good. I'm seriously in danger.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Sollel had been curious ever since she realized that the two were the same person. Unfortunately, they were not in the right time and place to ask and interrogate him. "But for now, I won't ask since I trust you even though you felt different somehow."

That put a smile on Hakkeran's lips. "How am I different? Maybe you're just used to Hakken. Do you like him more, my lady?"

Sollel narrowed her eyes on Hakkeran. "You're not allowed to ask me that trick question. Stop being jealous of yourself."

Hakkeran shrugged. "I can't help it. Even if it's myself, when it comes to you, I am very selfish."

"I can see that..."

"You told me before that you wanted to see the whole me, and this is it." Hakkeran sounded as if his whole self were not a good person. "The whole me is not nice and sweet like Hakken. And I'm scared because you're used to him and you might like the half of me more than the whole me. But I'm still praying that you would accept me as I am, my lady. Though if you think you couldn't and you'll be more happy with only the half of me, I wouldn't mind splitting myself in half again to give you Hakken."

Sollel didn't move her eyes away from Hakkeran. She was watching him the whole time he was talking and she knew that he was not pulling her leg. One word from her and he will really split himself again to give Hakken to her — whatever she wanted, Hakkeran would give it to her without hesitation.

And Sollel didn't know why her heart ached while listening to him. It's as if Hakkeran was ready to sacrifice half of himself for her happiness. He was not even thinking of himself and it made her chest ached.

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