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AFTER PULLING OVER the wagon to a secluded area in the forest, Xeke set up a perimeter with his daggers. If an outsider entered the perimeter he made, he'd know. It was a safety measure since they're outside and the whole kingdom wanted their asses on a silver platter.

Their camp was fireless because the fire could attract their enemies. Entering the small clearing, Xeke saw Cira and the queen talking in a low voice.

Xeke was curious, but he was too tired to even bother eavesdropping and just lay on the grass and closed his eyes to rest. It'd be a long day tomorrow; he was sure of it.

Meanwhile, Grath was on guard duty, and Zassia was sleeping in the wagon with Naya.

"I know it's not only my imagination, Your Highness," Cira said and glanced at the queen sitting on the boulder beside her. "I know you've become stronger, so me, not being here matters not."

The queen was silent.

"I have to do this," Cira said, determined. "It's the only way to expedite the process."

Sollel sighed upon seeing the determination on Cira's eyes. "Will you be okay? You're on a wanted list, you know. Understand that you can't really move freely."

Cira smiled and shrugged. "I'll think of something." Then she looked at Xeke who was sleeping on the ground. "And I'll take him with me too. You won't be able to move freely too with him here."

Sollel knew there were no words that could change Cira's mind. She was too determined to follow her plan. "Promise me you'll be safe."

Cira nodded. "I will succeed with my life intact." She smiled. "Don't worry about me, Your Highness. I'll be fine. I'm an elven warrior, not some weak damsel."

Sollel nodded at that and glanced at Xeke. "I have a feeling that even if you didn't bring him along, he'll still follow you."

Cira chuckled, amused by the queen's observation. "I think so too. I don't know why, but I think Xeke is very attached to me. I know it's bad of me to say this, but he's useful to us."

Sollel stared at Cira who had a calculated look. Sometimes Sollel would think that Cira was not just a normal elven warrior. She might be silly and threw tantrums here and there, but when the situation called for it, she would become this serious and fierce warrior. Like now. This was not the usual playful Cira she's used to. This was the Cira who knew what she wanted and would do anything to get it.

"And with him out of the picture," Cira said as she turned to Sollel, "Her Highness is free to do whatever she wants."

Sollel smiled at that. "You do know that you're going to use a descendant of Sappher?"

Cira shrugged, cold, uncaring, and nonchalant. "I don't care where he came from. What I care about is what he can do and his use to me."

Sollel shook her head. "I sometimes wonder if you were really an elf. Elves are known for their gentle and honest nature. What happened to you, Cira?"

Cira chuckled a little and said, "I have a queen to help and serve. Being gentle and honest won't do me any good."

Sollel raised her hand and messed Cira's hair. "Be careful out there. How long do you think will it take?"

"I'll do it as fast as I could." Cira's determination could never be wavered. "I will keep in touch with you, Your Highness."

Sollel nodded. "Then be careful."

Cira was silent for a moment before she spoke. "Not that I'm worried that you can't handle the enemies, but I will be less worried and anxious if Hakken was here. If the enemies had a moonrite stone, you need Hakken to fight them off. I don't think they'll be other hunters who will help us like Hakken did. We need him, Your Highness."

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