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WITH A DIRECT blessing from the Mistress of Flame, Zassia's fire was more lethal than the others who had received their flame essence through lineage. With just one wave of her staff, she made three scalding hot fireballs appear behind her, rapidly shooting at the scorpion Grath was fighting. But even though her flame was fierce, she was nothing compared to the other flame sorceresses when it came to control. In terms of attacks, she could only make fireballs because of her lack of training and experience.

But fireballs were enough to save her life and fight alongside her companion. Not being a dead weight was enough for her. So she conjured fireballs after fireballs, shooting at the scorpions and helping her group escape.

Looking at Zassia really trying hard to help everyone with her blessing, Sollel felt no regrets, even though her strength had weakened. Sollel had to be very careful now; after that blessing, her current strength was not enough to summon a firewall to protect her from sudden attacks anymore.

Sighing, Sollel whisked her hand, and flames erupted on the ground, blocking the scorpion that was about to attack. She then sent a fireball to finish it. Looking around, after that explosion that shook the ground, Sollel realized that the scorpions started avoiding her, as they were afraid of her flame, and attacked the others instead. There were even scorpions on Hakken, Xeke, and Cira's side, and the three were fighting head-on and all out.

Sollel clicked her tongue because of how calculative these scorpions were. As if I would let you escape my flame! she thought. Sollel ran toward Hakken's group, while Zassia and Grath ran to safety after seeing an opening. As they did, Zassia shot fireballs after fireballs at the lizards and scorpions surrounding Hakken, Xeke, and Cira.

"There's no end to this!" Hakken cussed as he slashed a lizard with his war blades and evaded the tail of the scorpion. "Xeke!"

"I got it!" Xeke, who had been looking for the lizards' weak spot, finally found what he was looking for. "The end of their tail!"

Hearing that, Cira stopped assisting Hakken and used her agility to sprint and jump, and in midair, she released three arrows, simultaneously hitting the end of three lizards' tail without missing an inch. Her aim was indeed perfect as she shot another arrow, but when her feet landed on the ground, she became vulnerable to the scorpions' and lizards' attacks. Cira was a fierce warrior in midair and high places, but not on the ground where she couldn't move and shoot her arrows freely.

Xeke, seeing Cira at a disadvantage on the ground, willed his ten daggers to come back to him. Then by his control, his ten daggers floated around Cira, rapidly circulating around her, hitting all the beasts surrounding Cira. The daggers didn't leave fatal wounds on the beasts, but the damage was enough for Cira to get back on her feet.

"Soar to the sky!" Xeke shouted at Cira while recalling one of his daggers to counterattack the lizard's tail that was trying to smash him to the ground. "I'll help you!"

Cira didn't know how Xeke could help her soar to the sky when he was meters away from her, but her question was answered immediately after.

The daggers surrounding and protecting Cira moved to make a stair for her. The five daggers were floating flat in the air, waiting for Cira to climb it, while the four were floating around Cira.

"Go!" Xeke bellowed at Cira when he saw the tails of a lizard and a scorpion about to slam Cira.

Cira immediately stepped on the floating dagger, and as she jumped to the next, Xeke appeared behind her and used his five daggers to cut the tails that were about to pierce Cira's back.

Cira continued ascending with the help of Xeke's daggers, and in midair, she did what she does best—shooting her arrows precisely and lessening the lizards' numbers. Cira didn't need to worry about falling because every time the gravity started to pull her down, Xeke's dagger was there to help her soar into the air again. It was like she had her own the air.

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