the past behind the ink

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The second part of this chapter is mostly filler, but it was enjoyable to write. 

Patreon is still 20 chapters ahead and currently on chapter 6 of Todoroki x reader

I appreciate all the support <3


It's 3 am when I walk into my house. Todoroki and Deku stand behind me, still in their hero gear. You can practically feel the disturbed energy crawling between us.

It's been a long fucking day.

In front of me, my daughter slowly takes off her shoes while my wife doesn't even bother, frantically running past. When Todoroki and Yuki went to get her from work and explained what happened downtown, she didn't take the news very well. Don't even get me started on her attitude when I explained she couldn't see Ame till Deku and I knew more about the situation.

Now, only our footsteps disturb an otherwise silent house. Removing my gauntlets in the entrance, I follow into the living room where dim yellow brims quietly in the atmosphere until three pro heroes, an exhausted teenager, and a worried mother invade the space.

At the center, my son lays down on the couch. His eyes flutter below the lids as he dreams. With knees bent, arms coiled up to his chest, he sleeps the same way he did as a baby.

You don't understand the relief that washes over me as I sigh at the sight of him. He's such a light sleeper, even with his head halfway on Kaido's lap, I expect him to wake to our presence, ask what's going on.

To my surprise, even as Headset kneels beside the couch without a word to anyone, worry tangible in her gaze, he doesn't. His mother, trembling over prospecting harm to her child, caresses his hair and kisses his forehead repeatedly. Even then, he remains completely unconscious.

"He wouldn't take his medicine so I sort of had to slip it in his water," Kaido says, fully awake still, per my instructions.

His hair's down for once, hints of purple lining his under eyes.

Kaido might be a smartass, but ironically enough, he reminds me of Headset. He wouldn't put in any effort if he didn't have a driving reason behind wanting to be a hero. Whatever his reasoning is, whether it's wanting to be recognized cause he's an orphan or just because he has fun kicking ass- I don't care, it's none of my business.

What's important is that he's a natural, he follows orders, and say what you want about the kid's iffy work ethic, he's loyal. Now, watching over my son, he's aware. He's ready. In the way he looks down at Ame, I can tell I was right to trust him with the job.

Headset sighs, the respite from uncertainty about Ame's well-being letting her shoulders fall. She presses her forehead to his, whispering little affirmations before squeezing Kaido's hand in thanks.

I think everyone in the room- from Deku standing with his arms crossed behind me to Yuki who's too tired to stand to Icy Hot making his way towards his sister and nephew- is relieved to see him out of harm's way.

"He should be in his bed," Todoroki says, kneeling down. Yin stands back to her feet, her breath still shaky, hands making a prayer motion over her nose. Just as Todoroki's about to cradle Ame to his room, "I'll carry him up."

Kaido moves quicker.

"I got him." He says, jaw gone tight, his expression hardened from when he was speaking to me.

With an arm under Ame's legs and another grasping his shoulders, my intern makes sure Ame's head lays comfortably against his chest before taking him upstairs.

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