who you used to be

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Hey guys! 

I'm in the process of making my website to self-publish my first book: I Fell in Love with Hope. My beta readers all loved it and sent me crying pictures so I will be making lots of content for that soon. 

I'm also working on my next novel in which the main characters Blue and Anna are based on Bakugo and Yin in Opposites. I'll publish some chapters on Wattpad and Patreon and sell the story as a book once I have a cover designed and my domain set up. I'm still thinking of titles but this is the basic synopsis I came up with (I SUCK AT SYNOPSES) 

Anna is getting over the worst breakup of her life, her family's abandoned her, she can't seem to get her book published, and on top of it all, her new house is haunted by a tall, good-looking, annoying ghost named Blue. Blue and Anna do not get along, but since Anna's broke and Blue refuses to leave his home behind, they have to learn to coexist. 

Anna proposes that Blue will act as a roommate, not cross boundaries, and pay rent by letting her write a book about him. In exchange, Anna promises to get Blue's house declared a historical landmark so that he can be at peace forever and once her career takes off, she will leave. Blue agrees as long as Anna promises not to bring her dates back to the house.

Anna does everything she can to learn about ghosts and hopefully exercise the grumpy man-child from her home. As Anna finds out though, she and Blue may be connected in more ways than one. Not only that, Anna finally gets a writing opportunity that would take her across the country. So when she comes to care about Blue, she has to decide whether or not to leave Blue behind. And Blue has to decide, after almost two centuries of being dead, if he's ready to tell Anna the truth.

That summary sucks and I only have the last 17 chapters outlined BUT, I'm working on it. 

If you want a printed copy of any of my books you'll be able to pre-order them on my website, Amazon, or book catalogs in a few months. I'll give you all the links as soon as I have them. 

Let me know if you have questions!

Back to our regularly scheduled programming:



"Do you really have to leave now?"

"Baby, you know I have work to do."

Hidari has a process. He doesn't chase his prey, he lures it in, like a cat with such a pretty coat and radiant eyes you just can't help but creep a little too close to its claws.

He fancies himself a hunter. I fancy him an asshole.

The girl currently pawing at his chest has nothing but love in her voice. In her doorway, she clings to him, wearing her pajamas and slippers. She's on her tiptoes, laying noisy kisses to Hidari's lips. I can hear their saliva mixing from the side of the brick wall.

We're right outside the Slums. Ironically, a pretty wealthy district. While my wounds heal, Scythe's been giving Hidari and I money to stay in motels. Hidari had a better idea so while he thoroughly slept with the woman who owns this complex, I slept in her bathtub. The porcelain keeps my costume from wrinkling and my swords are around in case Hidari decides to try and prank me while he takes a piss in the middle of the night. He's a fairly quiet lover as he likes to tell me over and over again, but his lady friend, sadly, was not.

I've slept a total of three hours in the last three days and I'm reaching my limit.

"But you promised," the girl– whose name I don't know and probably neither does Hidari– croones. She tries to kiss Hidari again, running her hands through his hair. "You'll come back soon, right?"

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