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Mu doesn't like Kaido. Which doesn't bother me, because Mu doesn't like Dai either. They keep that to themself for the most part. Kaido just dropped us off at school, so they didn't say much, but I caught them in the rear view mirror. They were anything but relaxed, not pensive in the neutral way, pensive in a targeting sort of way. Like they were watching Kaido's every move.

Although maybe there's another reason they're on edge.

"So is the fact that we have to stay at UA overnight with Aizawa-Sensei in order to avoid getting targeted by the masked-men people a grandiose confidential top secret no-telling anyone type thing?" they ask, in full hearing distance of the entire student body as we walk under the arch and into school. I make a face at them.

"Yes," I bite under my breath.

Mu has their hands in their pockets. They adjust their hair, make sure their earrings are on show. It's a pair Kenji got for them a few years ago. Ever since Friday, we haven't talked to her. I texted to make sure she was okay, but I got no response.

"Are you going to apologize?" I ask, propping myself up on the brick wall. We always wait for each other by the arch, throw our skateboards into the bushes, and stuff. It'd kill me to break tradition.

"Yeah," Mu says. They sit next to me, open a can of soda and down the entire thing in a few gulps.

"You know her. She's going to try to apologize to you first."

"She shouldn't."

"I didn't say she should. I said she was going to try." Mu hands me the soda and after the morning I had, I wish it was beer. I'm kidding, I'm not that cool. Alcohol makes my stomach feel like it's burning from the outside in. But the caffeine helps the headaches.

I tried to call Deku-san. No response. That's been stressing me out.

As for Kaido. Well. He spent the night. We made out for a good hour, I think. It might've been more or less I wasn't keeping track. He was handsy when I gave him permission, but carefully so. It was like he was indulging himself, but I was at the back of his mind at the same time. He trailed the scar at my hip, the left-over damage from the metal man he rescued me from all those months ago. He didn't make me feel like an object wrapped in skin to explore, he made me feel like myself. I always want to hide my physicality. I'm always ashamed of it no matter if I'm skinny or muscular or anything in between. Kaido made me feel confident. He looked at me with love and lust and vulnerability and I wanted to give that back to him.

Eventually, we heard Yuki's footsteps come up the stairs and separated so fast, I almost fell out of the bed. He caught me by the wrist and hoisted me back up as if I weighed nothing. Then, he put my shirt back on, patted my hair down, and practically threw himself into my desk chair. The new distance left a trail of some kind of magnetic energy between us. Like the second the cost was clear, we wanted to touch again. Yuki went back into her room. We heard the door shut. Kaido and I exchanged a look then laughed at each other silly.

We spent the rest of that morning in my room just talking, holding hands, and playing with each other. When the sun hit the center of the sky, he kissed me quick on the lips, just to tease. We went downstairs and ate outside on the lawn, telling jokes and teasing some more. He took me to the bookstore to get my mind off things where we made out behind the mystery section until the owner caught us and kicked us out. We laughed all the way back to the car and ate dinner in a drive thru when it got dark. He threw french fries at me when I called him a giant.

Kaido had a conversation with my dad when we got back about what would take place Monday. It stressed me out to think of him out there. I could barely even talk to my mom. I didn't want to, as selfish as that is. I wanted my normal, healthy relationship to stay out of all the chaos' light even for just a day. I asked if Kaido could sleep over. My parents don't know we're dating. Dad still thinks I'm with Azaka. Kaido made me promise not to tell him because he doesn't want his internship jeopardized. They let him stay. My mom even set up a bed for him next to mine on the floor. I made a joke about finally being taller than him and Kaido threw a pillow at my head. He asked if I was lonely up there. I lied and said I was just fine. He asked if I was lying. I said I would never lie to him. Then he stood up and nestled under my sheets, wrapped his arms around me, and I swear I never slept so soundly in my life. Sunday morning, he was still there, holding me, fast asleep, his breaths quiet and undisturbing. I kissed his face to wake him. He smiled and said five more minutes about ten times...

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