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The rain hasn't stopped since this morning. It floods the streets, washes the muck away. The outskirting suburbs carry more filth than most people let on. The water wooshes down the roads and carries it all down the drain.

The rain is my only company today. That along with a pen, paper drafts, an old headset hanging on my neck, playing faint melodies to keep me focused.

Azaka: Hi Ame!
Azaka: Thanks for leaving me your number!

Ame: Hey, you said my name right :)

Azaka: Do I say your name wrong? D:

Ame: Don't worry about it.

Azaka and I've been texting the past two days. She just got a phone, courtesy of Aizawa since she kept showing up late to her classes. Sometimes, she's rather blunt, says things you wouldn't expect to come out the mouth of a sixteen-year-old. The other hero kids aren't the nicest to her because of it. Or maybe they don't like the idea of an outsider suddenly ranking in the favorites.

I don't really care about any of that.

She's kind. In the end, that's all that really matters.

Azaka: Thanks for the design by the way. You mind if I send it to the designers to get my costume?

Ame: You liked it that much?

Azaka: Hell yeah! Nobody's ever given me anything before.

She says things like that sometimes too: Relative abnormalities that make me wonder about her home life.

Ame: Thanks for letting me train with you. I appreciate all the help I can get.

Azaka: Yeah, you suck at weight training. We'll work you up the levels.

Ame: Ha. Ha. Sorry, I can't bench three hundred pounds like you can.

Azaka: You'll get there!

Probably not, but let's keep dreaming.

Azaka: Hey, are you friends with any third years?

My hands tense around my phone. I have a hot streak of letting my naive nature get the better of me. Azaka seems nice, even Mu said so. There's no veil of something self-driven beneath her words. But maybe she's just good at hiding it. It wouldn't be the first time someone tried to use me to get to my sister.

Ame: Not really. I just have Yuki.

Azaka: I'm just asking cause we have to do this project where we pair up with a second or third year and I don't know anybody :(

Ame: What kind of project?

Azaka: Shadowing! There was a signup sheet handed out, but some of the kids in my class took mine as a joke and tore it up haha. They told me I'd have better luck just asking around because bugs don't have business shadowing human heroes.

Well, now I feel like a dickhead.

Ame: You don't look like a bug, Azaka. I'm sorry people are being so rude to you.

Azaka: It's okay! They were just kidding around I think :D

My parents said their entire class back at UA was full of amazing people. Why did that have to change? It seems nowadays I'm either surrounded by bullies or hearing about my friends' encounters with theirs.

Ame: I'll ask my sister if she can pair you up with anyone. In the meantime, tell Aizawa that you lost the paper so you can get another one, okay?

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