Chapter 17

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Around 11 AM, I video-called Stace from my laptop because I was bored.

"Sup?" she asked.

"I'm alone here so just wanted to talk. I hope you're free." I said.

"I am. Wait, what's that in your ear?" she asked.

"I hurt myself with an ear-swab." I answered.

"What?" she started laughing.

"Not funny." I said.

"Anyway, who's your prom date?" She asked.

"I won't even go there." I said," Who cares about a stupid night?"

"Yeah, totally not a reason for you to be single." She said sarcastically.

"How about you? Who are you going to ask?" I asked, although I was least interested in knowing. I just wanted to shift the attention from myself.

"Probably Elijah. He's everyone's fantasy. A junior though." She answered.

"Cringe. There's no such thing as fantasy." I said.

"What about paranormal?" she giggled.

"That too doesn't exist. There's only alive or dead." I said. The word 'dead' reminded me of Ethan again.

"So then-" she was saying but I quickly told her that I had to shower and ended the call.

I breathed out," Stop it already. Get a hold of yourself." I said to myself and went to the bathroom to shower.

Before taking off my clothes, I felt like someone was around me. I looked around and checked the whole bathroom and even though there was not even a mosquito or something, I still felt like I was being watched.

I didn't dare to take off my clothes and skipped showering.

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