Chapter 73

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(Recap) "My brother."

I stopped walking as I stood at the door,"I... I know. I'll be careful." I said, thinking he was warning me just because of Edwin's behavior around me and I actually didn't need any reminder since I knew how much of a freak he was.

"I'm not going to the...the prom." I sat down. I had to take every step and make every move consciously since I knew he was around me and watching me, even though I couldn't see him.

"Meet Elijah Berryman." 

I didn't reply to that. After knowing about grandpa, I didn't want to go out and discuss anything. It was strange how I was excited about the investigation a few minutes ago and it was all gone. 

"Meet Elijah Berryman."

"I'm not in the right mind to see him." I said, trying hard to find some words and reply to him.

"Meet Elijah Berryman!"

He sounded angry and I suddenly gasped, expecting him to throw furniture on my head, so I flinched, protecting my head with my arms," I will! I will!" 

Seeing how desperate he was, I thought Elijah was about to tell me something really important, so I made up my mind to see him.

"Don't be afraid of me. I'll leave you alone now."

That was the longest sentence he'd ever spoken to me, both when alive and dead.

"Wait! I need to know a few things and where are you going now?" I asked. I couldn't disappoint Elijah again by giving him nothing. Even though we didn't know who killed him, I could at least ask him what the third word was, because I hated to admit that Ethan was the only one who knew it.

"Are you still here? I wonder what other place you go to or...who do you keep an eye on." I asked but met with no response for the next five minutes.

"How long are you going to come and leave as you please?!" I shouted angrily.

I had been lying in bed the whole time until 4:30 PM and for hell was I going to move. I clearly knew what me not getting ready to meet Elijah would lead to- Ethan would come back.

I was nuts for challenging a spirit but it was certainly harmless because it was Ethan. I trusted him and no matter whether living or dead, he wouldn't harm me. Even though Elijah had told me that spirits react differently and dangerously, I didn't want to believe it, at least not in Ethan's case.

My stomach was rumbling. I hadn't had breakfast or lunch and wasn't planning to cook dinner too, since I was expecting Edwin to barge into my house at night after realizing that I wasn't going to show up. I sighed, turning from side to side on the bed and staring blankly around my untidy and ugly room setting. 

"I should rearrange the furniture." I said, looking at the messed up study table and only an inch gap between the almirah next to it. I always dropped little things in the gap and injured my hand every single time I tried to pull them out. I might still have few cents and erasers down there.

I glanced at the wall clock. Only five minutes had passed. Time was passing very slowly so I closed my eyes to get some sleep and not too long after I had shut my eyes, my spine tingled as I got goosebumps. I sat up straight.

He's here.

"Ethan." I said.

"Go see him."

"I knew you'd come," I gulped," I have a condition."


"Answer a few questions and I'll go see him." I said but he didn't reply.

"I'll take your silence as a yes." I said," What was the third word?"

"I won't answer."

"Surely, you only answer Elijah, right?" I snapped," How about you go to him for help? Why do you even stay around me?" 


"Leave, if you can't answer me." I ordered. I knew I was being heartless, but it was necessary to get an answer from him and I did not mean what I had just spoken.

"I don't remember anything from that night, except the part head was injured before I was stabbed."

"What?" My jaw dropped and throat felt dry. I swallowed hard but felt a stinging pain in the back of my throat. Maybe it was this, that Elijah wasn't telling me.

Maybe he had already suffered a severe head injury which made him forget everything right before he died. He would've forgotten whatever happened before and who did it all.

"Is there anyone you suspect?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. You should go to the park."

I sighed and nodded slightly before getting off the bed and going to the bathroom to change.

I stared at the mirror for long and smiled for the reason that Ethan gave me some information. All that had been happening since a month was unbelievable. I was interacting with a spirit, something that people would consider lunatic and laugh at. 

"Ghosts don't exist?" I chuckled at all those humans out there who weren't lucky enough to see beyond life. I was lucky and so lucky...that I could still talk to the one I liked and it was just a matter of time when I would've been able to see him.

I reached the park right on time and found Elijah sitting on the bench with his hands shoved into the side pockets on his violet hoodie. I would say he was underdressed at such a cold evening, but he looked just fine, except that his ears were red.

I slightly raised my palm and waved to which he responded with a nod and shifted to make space for me beside him. I sat down, rubbing my palms together and sniggled my chin into the thick muffler wrapped around my neck.

"I told dad about Edwin," He paused and sneezed," Excuse me."

"Bless you." I said softly and he sneezed thrice in a row, which was worrisome so I offered him my muffler and he gladly accepted it.

"It smells like you." He said as he sniffed," Strawberries." 

For some reason, I blushed and looked away as he wrapped it around his neck.

Dedicated to tell_me_if_it_hurts

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