Chapter 72

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When I was at the doorstep and about to ring the door-bell, I received a notification.

Elijah : Meet me in the school ground at 8 tonight.

Me : I'm not going to school tonight.

Even though Edwin had asked me out, I didn't want to go even an inch closer to him. I could just make an excuse of having an upset stomach and get my hair yanked out by him.

I could almost imagine Edwin yelling 'How dare you not show up to the prom?!' 

I was just a rag doll to him after all.

Elijah : I talked to dad.

Elijah : You're a part of us now.

The moment I read that, my stomach did a flip and I grinned," Finally!"

Elijah : You need to help us.

Me : Not until you tell me what I'm getting myself into.

Elijah : Meet me

Elijah : in the park near your house at 5 PM.

Me : Okay. 

"Gwen?" Dad appeared as he opened the front door while I was digging my eyes into my phone screen while standing at the porch.

"I was about to ring the bell." I said as I locked my phone's screen.

"Your mom and I are heading out." He said worryingly.

"Why? What happened?" I asked.

"Your grandma called from town saying dad had a cardiac arrest." He answered when mom hurried out behind him.

"Is- Is grandpa okay?" I asked. I hadn't visited my grandparents since about three years and I was looking forward to visiting them on Christmas even after whatever was going on in my life, thinking I would be happy for once. And I knew they were missing me too. I was heartbroken and felt hollow inside.

"He's critical. We're going by road and will hopefully reach within a day. Take care of the house-" Mom said.

"What do you mean? I'm not going?" I questioned, ready to argue with them. At that moment, I completely forgot about Ethan and the investigation.

"You can't go." Dad said," We'll be away for 20 days and you can't miss school." 

"But grandpa is not okay! I need to see him." I cried.

"Please, try to understand. You're not a kid anymore." He said and walked over to the car parked across the street.

"Mom..." I begged her as she still stood beside me on the porch. She held my hand and squeezed it gently," We'll take you there on Christmas." She said, unsure of her own statement.

...only if he survives.

"I know you'll be alright all by yourself." She said, slowly slipping her hand out of mine. As it is I didn't get time to spend with them and they were going away for twenty days.

"Chris, come on." Dad called out and mom left my hand and walked away with the duffle bag.

I stood there, watching them while they kept their luggage in the trunk and waved at me gloomily before driving away.

"Why did this have to happen?" I sobbed as I crouched down in front of the opened door, "I feel lonely." I broke out crying, "Where is my life headed to? When is this all going to end?"

I shivered as cold wind gushed past me. I was feeling sleepy all of a sudden and I didn't want to move.


I looked around as I heard his voice.

"Ethan?" I spoke.

"Come inside."

I stood up immediately and went inside the house, looking for him, trying to find him, trying to follow his voice, desperately.

"I want to see you." I said as I slowly climbed upstairs.

"Be careful."

"Of what?" I asked when I entered my room.

"My brother."

Dedicated to Medusa_25

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