Chapter 90

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WARNING: This chapter contains violence and abuse which may not be suitable to some readers.


I was feeling dizzy. The last thing I remembered was drinking water that the receptionist offered while I was waiting in school. After that, I feel asleep. My eyes were opening and closing, allowing me to see momentarily what was in front of me. A dark figure. Black clothes. 

My eyelids felt heavy. I felt a sharp pain on my left cheek. I smelled like mud. 

I was drugged. I need to come back to my senses.

I propped my head on the back of the comfortable seat that I was sitting on. It felt familiar, as if I sat on it everyday.

I groaned and forced open my eyes and looked at the previous dark figure. I could see a guy sitting in front of me but he appeared dark. The whole room or whatever it was, was only lit by light escaping through the little gaps between the curtains. The place didn't smell anything like a basement. 

"You're up." He laughed. I recognized that voice. Despite everything he had done, he was laughing.

The moment I opened my mouth to speak, I felt a throbbing pain on my left cheekbone and jaw. I groaned in pain. My hands or feet were not tied, yet it seemed so difficult to move. I lightly touched my cheek. It was swollen. 

He  raised his hand in the dark, as to hit me, but I felt something cold press against my swollen cheek. It was an ice-pack.

"You hit me." I gritted," And now you're treating me?" I asked in disbelief.

"You fell on your own."  He chuckled.

"Stop laughing you sick fuck." I said," Why did you bring me here? Where am I?"

"No one will come find you in your own house if you're missing." He said and turned on the table lamp when I got a view of our hall. 

This is my house? No wonder this place...seemed familiar.

I looked at him, his big shadow falling on the adjacent wall. His eyes looked scary. His expressions were so intense that my heart was beating quickly. 

"Edwin Miler...what do you want...after all that you've ruined?" I asked locking eyes with him.

"Hmm, I want you dead. Is that fine with you?" He tilted his head to the right and smirked.

"So you want to kill me the same way you killed Ethan?" I asked.

"You're my first, sweetheart."  He scoffed.


"You want me to believe that?" I asked.

"You will, after you get punched like this in the gut." He said and in a juncture he punched me on my left ribs. I shouted in pain but he was quick to cover my mouth," That wasn't even one-fourth of my strength."

My tears touched his hand that was on my mouth. I shut my eyes tightly. I didn't want to cry.

"What? You believe me now?" He asked and I slowly shook my head. How could I believe him when he said that he didn't kill Ethan? I saw the ring with my own eyes.

He slapped me hard on my already injured face. More tears fell out, but I didn't make a sound.

"What about now, then?"

"You killed him! YOU did!" I shouted.

He sighed and took a seat in front of me," Do you like getting beaten?"

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