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a/n: hello and welcome back (or welcome in general). sorry for the long hiatus regarding updating this story but a little story named galactic seed (and friends) decided to run over all the other mpregs i was working on so that it could get finished. greedy little bastard lol... anyhow, i did not forget this story so here it is!

just to reiterate some things: this setting is a futuristic/dystopian-esque setting and thus isn't always pleasant for everyone. also a reminder that sakina is of age regarding everything she is speaking about.


I walk into Cash's room and find Dr. Heckler with a surgical mask on over her exposed mouth as she is sewing up Cash's stomach with some sutures. Hearing the door open, her and Nalak look over and Nalak's bright blue eyes widen with excitement.

"R! You're back! Is Matt okay?"

"He's here in my room. I just came to see how Casshern was doing. Hey, Dr. Heckler."

"Hello, Ramey. I'm glad that you're alright, considering the news."

"Yeah! We saw the news! Dude, what the hell?"

"I'll tell you about it later. I need to get my thoughts together before I tell everyone. I also don't want to repeat it so..."

"Yeah, I get you. I'm glad you made it back okay."

"Yeah, me too..."

"I know this is a reunion of sorts but we are in the middle of an operation closure so..."

"Right, sorry. I'll leave."

I leave the room and then go to the bathroom, so that I can take a shower.


I turn the water on and undress, getting into the shower. I let the water pour over me when I have flashes of Dad sitting in that chair, naked and bruised and beaten... Mom dead and bloated... I make a noise and slide down the side of the shower, curling up into a ball in the bottom of the tub. My parents are dead... my siblings are scattered around to god knows where. I'm being hunted for something I didn't do and I have a secret that I knew nothing about... I'm a monster... I've caused so many people so much grief and death and despair. I'm a monster...



Dr. Heckler finishes Cash's suturing and cuts the string.


I smile a little when I suddenly smell anguish and hurt. I turn towards the door and Dr. Heckler looks as well.

"What is it?"

"I feel pain and agony... I think it's Ramey... I don't know what to do though. He won't say anything, I know he won't. Something happened when he went back home."

"I think he'll explain but he needs to get his bearings. He doesn't want to worry anyone else but he knows he'll have to explain. I think the best thing you can do is just wait and let him do what he needs to. Either that or comfort him as best you can..."

"I don't feel like I'm the one who can do that."

"You've been there for him before, you can be there for him again. Let him know you're still here." Dr. Heckler stood up. "I must go. I'll tell Waverly 'hello' for you. Please keep yourselves out of trouble."

"We'll try."

She leaves and I sigh, trying to figure out what to do. Do I go in there and see if he's okay? Who do I comfort? I feel like I don't know what to do anymore... Something happened... I sigh and leave the room and go to the bathroom, listening to the sound of the falling water. I can hear R in the bottom of the tub, sobbing. I kneel outside of the wall and put my hand on it, hoping that maybe my comfort can go through to him.

Radioactive - Book 1: Birth 🪼Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora