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"You failed me."

I turned, finding my Dad staring at me with hard eyes, anger seeping from them as if the emotion itself had been turned into tears. He was holding something in his arms. I couldn't see it.


"You failed me, Ramey." He said again.

"What do you mean?"

"I told you not to come back and I told you not to do anything stupid. You've made everything worse! Look what you did to your brother!" He screamed, throwing the thing he had been holding at me.

I threw my hands over my head as it soared through the air and landed in front of me. It was a bloody swan, broken and battered and dead. Even though it was dead, it did a slight convulsion and suddenly started to grow. It grew and grew until it started turning into a human. When it was fully human, it jolted, as if it had been struck by lightning, and turned over, revealing Matt. I gasped and fell backward, falling on top of something hot and sticky. I pulled my hand up to look at it and found a nasty black goop on my hands. I pulled the other one up and found this putrid, purulent fatty stuff that slipped through my fingers and made me want to vomit.

"Oh, good, you found Mom."

I looked at as Matt looked at me, his neck broken and laying uncharacteristically on his shoulder and his eyeball hanging out of his socket. His arm was twisted in a completely different direction and there were maggots in his chest where some sort of wound was.

"W-what?" I asked.

He lifted his twisted arm and then twisted his wrist all the way around to point at me.

"You found Mom. If it weren't for you, she wouldn't have had to suffer. If only you had just left the albino alone. You're deep in it this time."

I looked at my hands and then looked down around me, realizing that I was sitting in a corpse. I yelled, moving away as my mother's dead bloated face stared at me, eyes gone and her mouth gurgling with this putrid liquid. It was like The Exorcist or something. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and I thought it was Dad, but it wasn't. It was the Italian man.

"You did well, kid... You led me straight to them."


I wake up in a panic, sitting up and beginning to shake. The room is dark and I can't make anything out. My eyes won't adjust properly and I feel fear running through me like someone just released a laxative inside of me. I gasp for air and realize that I'm having a panic attack. Then I freak myself out even more and pull my knees up to me as hard as I can get them. I need to hold something tight! I need to hold something and never let it go...

"R?" I hear behind me and I feel the blood drain from my face.



I feel R move, making me fall into the place where he had been sleeping. It wakes me up and I moan a little, opening my eyes. I look up and see R is shivering and holding his knees to his chest. I frown and touch his arm slightly.

"R?" I ask.

He suddenly just seems to lose all color in his face and he falls back, hard. I realize he's not just falling back, but he passed out. I smack his face a little, trying to get him to wake up. After a few minutes, he finally opens his eyes and stairs at me with a blank expression.

"R? R? Ramey, hello? Earth to RamRam." I say, knocking the side of his head.

"Where am I?"

"Where- What do you mean 'where am I'? You're in Girvan's house, remember?"

Radioactive - Book 1: Birth 🪼Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora