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After doing a few more things for Nalak, Waverly is kind enough to fix some food for us while I recount what happened and when we got here. She listens patiently, asking questions every now and then, but she doesn't interrupt me very much. Listening to myself tell the story, we seem like we are magnets for weird stuff happening to us and always finding ourselves doing stupid stuff to cause our own selves harm or otherwise tormenting ourselves. When dinner is done, I help Waverly set up the small table in the kitchen and we start eat.

"So... yeah... that's all up until this point."
"I can tell you right now that a couple of things was your fault entirely and yet not at the same time."
I frown as I swirl some spaghetti. "Well thanks..."
"I'm not saying that in a mean way, despite how it sounds. From the way it sounds, your parents seemed to know way more than they were telling you. The way that your mom reacted when you exposed your brother as a flux tells me that as well as your dad's secrecy on a lot of things. You said he works for the RDC?"
"From my own experience, those who have kids who aren't Normal tend to be paranoid about a lot of stuff... I mean... things can get hairy... Also, I'm sorry to say this, but the death of Nalak's parents was your fault too."
"How is that my fault!?"
"You turned him into an albino."
"Well I know that... I apologized to him for that... But it's not like I can help being an RH-."
"True, that's why I said some of this was your fault but not at the same time. You do realize that Triffin is the guy who killed Nalak's parents physically, right?"
"Yeah. It dawned on me when I realized those melanistics were his."
"As for the bounty, someone in the RDC has a major bone to pick with both of you. Most likely it had to do with your parents and Nalak's just happened to get caught up in it. You're sure he specifically said he was hired from someone within?"
"Yeah, he was talking to Nalak about it before he bit into him. He had a signed paper stating that Nalak's bounty was fulfilled and he got the money for it."
"Bounty hunters are used to capture the Altered and get them to the Badlands. It's kind of like border patrol. Once you turn into someone of the Altered, you are theoretically trespassing on Normal grounds and need to be delivered to the Badlands. They think you're running if you don't. The fact that someone went after Nalak from the inside says there's something more."
"I'm sure... there's always something more."
"You're not exactly untouchable, you know." She looks at me sternly. "You're an RH- and that is classified as an Altered. You should be going to the Badlands too."
"I'm just delivering Nalak-"
"Doesn't matter. Do you really think that your family is safe just because our daddy works at the RDC?"
"Well, he's pretty high up there..."
"You literally just told me that your brother is a flux. So not only does he have you, an RH-, but he also has a flux child, and was harboring an albino. How many offenses do you think he could hide?"
I look away. "I don't know..."
"It would be in everyone's best interest if you never go back home. I'm not trying to be a bitch about it, I'm just stating the facts. Trying to get back home will only cause problems."
I don't want to hear about this. Dad will fix this, like he's always fixed everything. No one will know about my blood and I can live in relative peace until I go out to try and get a job.
"Now, this lavender thing, that was both your fault and not your fault. Your fault because yeah, you're a dumbass and you should have listened to that doctor, but not your fault because she gave you the wrong thing."
"What do you mean?"
"Remember I said that the Altered have their own flowers?"
"Well, you High City people are only concerned about keeping albinos away so you focus more on lavender than any other flower. What your doctor friend should have done was use rose in the serum to block out the radiation and none of your adventure would have ever happened."
"Rose? How would that have helped? I mean, it was because I technically overdosed on it that I got into that mess."
"The rose would have worked with your body and made the serum not so potent. What she gave you was really dangerous stuff. What kind of doctor was she?"
"I don't know. All inclusive? She was the doctor at school for the Empties or whatever. She used to work for the RDC but was transferred to my school."
Waverly blinks a little. "Has she always been the Empty doctor?"
"No. I don't know where my other doctor went."
Waverly makes a face. "It seems like the RDC may have found out about you and sent in Dr. White as a spy."
"No one knew about me except my parents from what I was told."
"Which seems like not enough. I just find it odd that she was the one who went and ran the tests and they came back so quickly. Your old doctor leaves for some reason with no real warning and is replaced by her, she sends the tests off to the lab and they come back almost immediately to tell you that you are an RH- and that Nalak is albino, Nalak's parents are brutally murdered by a bounty hunter that was sent specifically for him from inside the RDC. Are you seeing a weird pattern here?"
I frown. "Are you saying that someone has it out for me?"
"I think Dr. White was sent to your school to investigate your Emptiness and so happened upon Nalak. When she sent in the blood samples, whoever her contact was got the results as quickly as possible and proved that you were an Altered. I think the bounty hunter was just to throw off the real issue. I think the issue is you in general."
"How is it me? I didn't do anything!"
"Your dad works at the RDC, right? You mentioned he was pretty high up the ladder, above Dr. White. Someone has probably been suspecting your dad for a while now and finally found a way to prove it. You said that when your mom saw you telling your brother about him being a flux she immediately kicked you out of the house, right?"
"I bet your mother was trying to keep you out of harm's way."
"What do you mean?"
"Do you even know what they do to the Altered at the RDC?"
"I never really looked into it. I mean, I know they find cures and stuff."
Waverly rolls her eyes. "Ugh, get a grip, R. They use the Altered like livestock to do their tests and things. The Altered are guinea pigs to them. I'm sure your father wasn't a part of it but he knew what entailed with being Altered. He would never want you to be in harm's way and so he forged your medical records so that no one would know what you are."
"He couldn't have done it every time I went to the hospital."
"He paid them."
I breathe in and push my food away, suddenly not hungry.
"I don't think you know everything."
"I know enough to tell you that when you send Nalak to the Badlands, there's going to be nothing left for you here. You may as well stay with him."
I slam my fork onto the table.
"You're wrong."
I get up and leave.

I try to avoid Waverly for the rest of the night because I don't want to hear any more of this conspiracy that she has. That just can't be true... I mean... Dad's so respected and he wouldn't do something like that...
"Do you like pie?"
I gasp as Waverly blinks at me and I put my hand over my heart.
"Don't do that!" I say, trying to regain my breathing. "You scared the shit out of me."
"Well that's what happens when you keep avoiding people and then they come up... anyway, do you like pie?"
"On occasion. What kind is it?"
"Do you have whip cream?"
"I think so."
I nod and follow her into the kitchen where a steaming pie is on a cooling rack and she gets on a stepstool to get some plates.
"I can get them for you."
"I don't need your help, but thanks." She says, opening the cupboard. "Look, I know what I said may have seemed a little harsh and in your face, but I just wanted you to understand what's going on-"
"Please," I say, holding up my hand. "Let's not discuss this anymore."
"Fine. Deny it."
"I'll look into it a little later. I just really don't want to think about it right now. Right now I need to find someone and focus on Nalak and the baby."
Waverly comes down from the stepstool and walks to the table.
"Who are you trying to find?"
"Her name is Sakina and all I know is that she works at Jetson's Bar and Ass-tro."
Waverly lifts her black eyebrow. "She's a stripper?"
"It would seem so."
"Is she an Altered?"
"No, she's just an Empty."
"Hmm. Well, I know the place and can tell you where it is but I wouldn't go there until you need to go there. Jetson's is in a pretty bad part of town."
"The fact that you know where it is is good enough. I've been trying to get a whereabouts since I met her."
"She the one who saved you when you got mugged?"
"Yeah. Her and her brother and niece."
"Why do you want to find her so bad? I mean, you met her once."
I really don't understand why I feel like I should find her or why I even think she will help me.
"I don't know. I just feel like I should."
"You like her?"
"I didn't really have a chance to like her."
"Love at first sight is a rare thing, but it happens."
She brings the pie over and cuts out a slice for the two of us. She then goes to the fridge and pulls out a can of whip cream.
"Yay, I bought some."
"The good kind too."
She smiles and sprays a good helping on mine and hers and sits at the table with me.
"I checked on Nalak and he's starting to heal pretty quickly. The infection is already starting to remiss."
"That's good."
"You want to help me with some of the things he's going to need? He's going to have to take some pills, a shot, and rub a special salve on the wound until it's completely healed."
"Uh... sure..."
"You can learn some things, especially about how lavender works with albinos and against them. I mean, I'm going to be turning into one so..."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Is it really just you here? I mean, doesn't someone help you?"
"Nope, it's just me. I use the money I get from customers to buy food and stuff, look up recipes online..." She shrugs. "I do what I can."
"Do you get much business?"
"Not in the medical department but I have harbored those who have escaped from Tramistor. They have to pay for sanctuary but hey, I have to make money somehow and they are willing to pay it."
"How did you learn all this so young?"
"Like I said before, my parents were in the medical fields and they taught me the basics until they were killed. Then I learned on my own through books, experience, videos, etc. It would be easier if I could be an apprentice to someone but the docs around here are snooty and kind of sleazy. Good thing you came to me, cuz I'm sure a couple of them wound have turned you in."
"What makes you different?"
"I'm not out for a profit. I saw what the RDC did to my parents right in front of my face as I hid in the oven. I watched my parents get butchered in front of me because of what my parents wanted to do and because they were hiding me. I vowed to never turn away someone trying to live a better life or in need of care. I decided to take up my parent's dreams and use the time I have to freely move about to the best of my ability."
I smile. "That's very noble for someone your age. I still don't know what type of skill I have or what job I want... or if I can even get one."
"Then learning how to create medicine should be something to interest you. It's actually my favorite part. I can make a couple of things for you too... By the way, I wanted to inform you of something."
"You being Empty... it's not because your uterus was bad or something. It's because you're an RH-."
"Yeah, I know. My dad explained that process to me pretty thoroughly." I say, subconsciously touching my stomach. "He didn't tell me that I could still harbor a child though..."
"You said your uterus was shot."
"Yeah but he said there were ways I could have at least harbored a baby. It's not that important now. What's important is Nalak and his baby and making him well."
I was tired of feeling sorry for something that I can't help. I can't have kids, oh well. Guys used to not be able to before so it's no different than it was. Besides, I want to support Nalak as much as possible. I know he feels guilty for being able to have had a swell but I want him t know that I'm not mad. I want him to be healthy and have that baby!

Radioactive - Book 1: Birth 🪼Where stories live. Discover now