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I get out of the shower and dry my hair a little. I didn't think Ramey really liked Sakina. From what he had told me, they had only bet that one time in the city and from all the yelling and screaming I just heard, she had said on a formality that he was welcome to come to their house if he were nearby. I'm sure they said it without thinking, kind of like when someone says that if someone else is ever in the area to hit them up to do lunch or something. Either way, that vitiligo guy kind of hurt my feelings, but not too badly. I realize that I left my clothes in the car in the suitcase and wrap the towel around my lower half when I get a glance at myself in the mirror. Damn, Ramey was right... I turn a little to see the dome shape my belly has become, not believing that I'm actually in a swell. It's my first and last but still, the thought after I had turned albino was so fleeting and now I'm staring right at my child...

I open the door and head to the kitchen, where something really amazing is being cooked. As I get there, I find R and Sakina talking at the bar. I can smell the infatuation that R has with Sakina as well as the same with her. I found it ironic that someone who does exotic dancing for a living was having a hard time with the flirting issue, but I don't think R seemed to mind. I mean, he was pretty socially inept so I'm sure her advances were making some sort of hit. I walk out and go towards the kitchen.


"So, right after we met you had to go into the dancing part of your job?"

"Yeah; Cash's pregnancy took a turn and he started getting really, really sick all the time. I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with him. His original doctor had examined him and she said that since he was a vitiligo, the growth of the baby was foreign and so it was trying to counterattack it. Like the way RH- blood used to be way back before the radiation explosions."

"How do you mean?" I ask.

They both gasp and turn to me as R immediately looks at my stomach.

"Why are you in a towel?"

"We left our suitcases in the car. I was wanting to ask if you could go and get them cuz, you know, I'm in a towel?"

"Yeah. I'll be right back, Kiki."

She nods and R grabs the keys to the car. When he's gone, Kiki looks at me.

"I'm sorry about what Cash said to you earlier."

"It's alright, I overheard what you said to Ramey."

"What do you mean?"

"Albino senses are heightened during the turn... Um... but what did you mean by what you said?"

"What do you mean?"

"R said that I wasn't going to do anything to you guys and you said that 'that's what he had said too before he couldn't control himself anymore'."

"Oh... that... Well..."

"Got it!" R says from the door. He hands the suitcase to me. "Go put some underwear on."

"You interrupted something important..." I said with a frown.

"It's something I've been meaning to mention anyway so if you go get your clothes on, I can tell you about it while the food is cooking."

I nod as R walks with me. "I think I'll take a shower before I eat."

"Yeah, cuz you reek."

"You just said that you could smell me."

"Yeah, because you were next to the door, but not that close. Oh, and your blush is to die for."

"You're making arbitrary remarks that cause rumors to spread again."

Radioactive - Book 1: Birth 🪼Where stories live. Discover now