Chapter 10 - Derrick

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A glance back at her, and he felt his heart would break at the sadness in her slumped shoulders. She seemed to have sunk deeper into the cushions and blankets on the lounge, and he was fairly certain she had turned from him to hide more tears. He could not bear to see her in so much distress any longer.

He straightened from his bent pose and knelt near her shoulder, moving the untouched tea tray to the side so that he could get closer to her. He laid a hand on her shoulder, and when she turned toward him, her face full of uncertainty and tears, he leaned even closer and captured her lips with his own.

He could tell the moment that she believed him, that she opened her heart to him. It was the exact moment that the maid by the door cleared her throat, loudly. He drew back a few inches, just enough to clearly gaze on her face, and was relieved to find that she no longer looked lost or frightened or angry. She looked...happy.

The reason for the maid's interference became clear in the next moment, as a man's hand descended onto his shoulder, grasped the fabric, and pulled him away from her. He spun into the hold as his hands clenched into fists, ready to fight as he turned to get his first look at his adversary. He had already launched his fist toward the face of the man behind him when Angie screamed, "Stop!"

With difficulty, he recalled his hand, awkwardly tapping the gentleman on the chest in the process. Over his shoulder, he heard Angie clearly say, "Derrick, this is my brother Theo. Theo, this is my betrothed, Mister Williams. Please do not fight in here. The staff has only just freshened the carpets, and blood is so likely to stain them."

He could not help but chuckle a bit at that, and the man before him released a low laugh as well. The man released Derrick with a sheepish look.

"I apologize, sir. I did not recognize you, having only glimpsed you this morning and not having been formally introduced until just now." He leaned around Derrick to wink at Angie. "Thanks, dear sister, for taking care of that formality." He stuck out his right hand and shook Derrick's with vigor and strength. "I would have been here to greet you, but I had business to attend to, and this morning's reading caused me to run late getting it all complete." He smiled at Angie, and she returned it. "I try to be home by tea time to spend time with my sister when she is up to it."

Derrick relaxed a little. Theo seemed to be a good sort, still very young, but with a good sense of responsibility and nice manners. He felt a little less betrayed, at least by this man.

"Come and sit, you two." Angie motioned to the tea tray beside her. "The tea is only getting colder, and I do not know if Robert will be joining us or not." She shot a quizzical glance at Theo, raising her eyebrow to ensure he understood her hint.

Theo looked uncomfortable, and he refused to meet her gaze as he answered, "Robert had even more business to work on than myself, and he regrets that he is unable to join us for tea today. He may even be late for supper."

Angie was having nothing of it. "Theo, I know when you are trying to sell me on a basket of balderdash. What is Robert up to?" Derrick got the feeling Angie would be tapping her foot on the floor if she was standing, so intent was she on getting the truth.

Theo scuffed a foot on the rug, then hastened to sit in the chair nearest to Angie, where Derrick himself has been sitting only moments before. "The truth is I do not know where Robert is, or where he was going after we got you home and settled. He told me he had a personal matter to attend to, and not to wait tea or supper on him. It is not unusual for him to attend to a personal matter now and again, but I know he enjoys tea and meals with you as much as possible, just as I do." Theo shook his head. "I wonder if the will conditions were what he expected."

The Contract Duchess, a Regency Romance: Key To My Heart Book 1Where stories live. Discover now