Chapter 23 - Angela

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The next morning found the four in good spirits, including Angie who was delighted to find that she seemed to have suffered no ill effects from the long journey the day before. It took very little time for them to gather their belongings and settle into the carriage for the long drive back to town. Just as they had on the previous day, Robert and Theo took turns driving, but unlike the preceding day, they both chose to ride outside the enclosed carriage, giving the newly reunited couple some privacy.

It was far too noisy for much conversation, but they enjoyed sitting together closely as they looked at the passing scenery. Neither one had observed much of the countryside on their initial journey to the Winchester estate, so it was quite enjoyable to point out interesting features of the terrain to each other as they rode. On occasion, they leaned into one another for a kiss or caress, and after a little while, Derrick wrapped his arm around her shoulders. It was a delight to simply be close to one another without interruption.

Despite feeling as well as she did, the constant vibration of the carriage and the warmth seeping into her body from Derrick's eventually lulled Angie into a comfortable sleep, and she woke refreshed as they reached the edge of town. Darkness had settled across the land while she had dozed, but all around there were lights burning in various homes they passed and a full moon shone bright in the sky, so the gloom was not oppressive.

Angie turned to Derrick with a smile to thank him for allowing her his shoulder to nap upon, and her smile widened when she noticed his head drooping limpy, bouncing just slightly with the movement of the carriage. His experience had clearly exhausted him, and she was happy he had found a way to rest as she had.

Her indulgent smile dissolved when she noticed that his breathing was not the long, slow breaths of deep slumber, but short pants that flared his ribs in a quick rhythm more suited to exercise. His face had gone pale, and there was a trickle of blood from one side of his nose. He did not respond when she pulled away enough to grasp his shoulder and shake it, and her heart sank to her toes.

She stood slightly, being careful not to push Derrick over, and pounded on the roof of the carriage. She had to return to her seat and grasp Derrick's shoulder to steady him as they were thrown forward with the alacrity of the halting of the carriage. Almost before the vehicle had come to a complete stop, the door flew open and Robert leapt inside, his eyes wild with worry.

"What is it? Sister, are you well?" He gasped out, and she wanted to hug him for his concern. Instead, she held on to Derrick, shifting her gaze from her brother to her husband and back.

There was no need for her to voice the cause of her agitation. Robert only needed a glance before the wildness left his eyes, his mouth settled into a grim line, and he opened the carriage door just long enough to shout something unintelligible to Theo before seating himself across from the couple as the carriage began to roll forward again. From the sound of the horses' hooves on the road, Theo was coaxing the tired steeds to hasten their pace.

"I told him to take us to Doctor Goodwin's home, rather than either of our homes. I don't think we should wait to call the doctor any longer than necessary." His grim expression only deepened as he observed that Derrick still slept, despite the sudden stop and start of their conveyance. Angie only nodded, too worried to do more than maintain her grip on Derrick and watch his chest move up and down nearly in time with the horses' strides.

Once at the doctor's house, there was a flurry of activity. Robert dove out of the carriage as it was slowing in front of the house, and within a minute the doctor flew out of the house in his nightshirt to examine Derrick where he rested against Angie. Abruptly, he left them to rush back into the house, only to emerge again in hardly any time at all, hastily dressed and carrying a large dark leather bag that appeared to be quite heavy, shouting over his shoulder as he half ran, half hobbled back to his patient. He had nary enough time to settle onto the seat before Robert threw himself down beside him, and they were on their way once more.

As they drove, the doctor continued to examine Derrick, directing that he be encouraged to lay flat, as much as possible in the confines of the vehicle, which was managed with his head on Angie's lap and his feet resting on the carriage floor. He asked many questions, and when he heard of the conditions Derrick had endured in the last few days, he frowned.

"And you thought it was a good idea to subject him to a day-long journey in his condition?" The doctor's tone clearly indicated his opinion.

Angie spoke up quickly as she could feel Robert's anger brewing. "He felt much improved this morning after rest and sustenance, and he was eager to return home. We had ... plans that were interrupted by his kidnapping." Angie hoped the heat on her cheeks was not obvious to everyone else as her thoughts drifted to Derrick's promise to be less than gentlemanly once they were in their own bedchamber, which brought back memories from the cellar the night before.

Before more could be said, the carriage slowed to a stop in front of the Hollins home. Angie gave a questioning look to Robert, who answered it with, "I don't know how your new home is set up, and I know our home is ideal for nursing care. For the time being, until we know more about his condition, I directed that we go to our home." His expression softened, and he reached across to pat her knee. "I know this is disappointing, sister. I pray it may be only a short time longer before you and your husband are ensconced in your own residence in good health."

Angie wanted to give him a reassuring smile, but Derrick's limp form in her arms reminded her of the uncertainty of the moment, and it was all she could do to keep herself from breaking into weeping. Her heart felt like a stone in her stomach, and she felt a deep dread that Robert's prayer would never come to pass.

The Contract Duchess, a Regency Romance: Key To My Heart Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن