Chapter 12 - Derrick

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Derrick grinned as he pressed his lips to Angie's forehead and left when her eyes fluttered closed and did not reopen. There was much to be done today, and he wanted to make sure there were no more delays. Not that he was still so attached to the will and its requirements, but because he did not want to wait to make Angie his wife. Then he would be able to protect her from further harm, and he would not mind having some company in his manor, either.

He stopped down the hall to peek into the parlor and let Angie's brothers and Anne know that Angie had awakened and gone back to sleep, and that he had told her enough information for the moment. He asked Anne to go in and sit with her, in case she awakened again, and then retreated to the guest room he had taken as his own. He closed the door and went to the washstand. The face in the mirror shocked him, and he could now understand the look Angie gave him when she first focused on him. He looked like one half-dead, with no need for a shave or running a comb through his hair. Now that he was feeling better, and about to be married, he needed to remedy the situation, and quickly.

Within an hour he was refreshed, both in spirit and in appearance, and he headed out to speak again with Angie's family and staff to make plans.

He was surprised to see the constable had joined the brothers in the parlor. He knew they had notified law enforcement after he shared his suspicions of poisoned tea with them, and had already given a statement about what he had observed at the time. He had not expected to see the man again so soon, however.

The men all nodded in greeting when he entered and took a seat. Their somber expressions sank into his soul and settled in his stomach like a ball of lead. He knew this would not be a pleasant visit.

The constable cleared his throat. "I am glad to see you back in good health, Lord Williams. The doctor tells me you will make a full recovery. Do you remember anything else that may be helpful to figuring out who poisoned your tea?"

Derrick shook his head slowly, mindful of the dizziness that lingered on, particularly worsened when he moved his head quickly. "I am on the mend, but not yet myself. I have told you all I know. Miss Angela's maid brought in the tea, but we were busy talking and did not immediately pour it or consume it. I was called away only a few minutes into our visit, and so only took a sip or two from my cup before departing. I began to feel ill within the hour, and from my experiences in the army with fatigue and illness, I knew at once that this was not natural. I completed my business a few minutes later and rushed back here to the house to be told that my fiance had collapsed, deathly ill. The rest you know from these gentlemen and the doctor's own reports."

He met the man's stony gaze with confidence and conviction and asked, "Has there been any progress on ascertaining who could have done such a thing?"

The constable sighed and his shoulders slumped a little. "No. Please forgive my questioning, sir. I am hoping that perhap the young lady may be able to add something helpful to the details of that day, because her brothers were not here, both with business associates who verified their stories, as did yours. The maid told me that she does not make the tea, but the housekeeper insists that it is her job. The cook claims it is the housekeeper who prefers to make the lady's tea, but she says this is a lie. In the meantime, the cook and the housekeeper have both vanished with the news that Lady Angela has awoken. I fear they both know much more than they have admitted to."

Derrick stood. "I will go check on Miss Angela and see if she is able to speak to you." He did not wait for a response before leaving the room, fear and anger wrestling for control in his mind. Who could have done this? Neither of them were safe until the person responsible was captured, but at least he could protect her better if they were married. Then he could stay with her always, making sure that no more harm came to her.

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