Tony's Funeral

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"I don't want to be Spiderman any-more," Peter told May as they stood looking over the water.
"You're too young to retire kid," Steve said as he came over and they turned to him. "You're good at what you do and Tony wouldn't want you to stop."
"Yeah. You helped to defeat the guy we've been chasing for the last 10 years. And you did steal my shield."
"You stole his shield?" May asked Peter and he smiled slightly.
"Yeah, I did. Only for a few minutes though."
"There's so much that you have to tell me Peter."
"I've still got a job to do in returning the stones. But we're always here for you if you need us Peter."
"Yeah. Thank you Captain America."
"See you later Queens."
"My name's Peter."
"Steve Rogers," Steve called as he left.
"He seemed nice," May said to Peter.
"Yeah. He is," Peter replied before he turned and watched Steve disappear between the trees.

"I think I understand the relationship that you had with Tony now," Dr Strange said as he came over and May and Peter turned to him. "He wasn't just a mentor to you. It was deeper than it. He was more like a father."
"He was," Peter said as tears pricked at the edge of his eyes. "I lost my real father when I was just a baby, and Mr Stark helped me with the Spiderman stuff. I felt like I had found something, but now he's gone."
"The memories you had with him and the lessons he taught you won't fade away."
"What are you doing to the little superhero, wizard?" Thor asked as he came over. "There are already enough tears today. Here, have a beer," Thor said as he handed Peter a beer. May was looking at Thor and wondering how the God of Thunder could be so fat.

Peter had a sip of the beer and spat it out almost immediately.
"Urgh, that's disgusting."
"That's the finest beer we can get in New Asguard," Thor said as he took the beer back.
"New Asguard?" Dr Strange asked.
"Yes, New Asguard. It's our new home in Norway or Sweden or somewhere like that. It's a nice little place, by the coast. But it does smell of fish."
"Delightful. Anyway, I should be off. Even during quiet days, the sanctuary should be fully manned."
"Mr Strange? Out of all the outcomes that you saw, this was the only one that we won?"
"Yes. It was the only one. I'm sorry," Dr Strange said before he paused for a moment, holding eye contact with Peter, then he left.

Peter looked up and saw Nick Fury watching him from the balcony. Fury soon turned away and Peter wiped the tears from his eyes.
"You're drinking beer at a funeral?" Rocket asked as he came over and Thor turned to him.
"Yeah. I didn't fancy the wine and Mrs Potts said that I could drink my own beer."
"You're disgusting."
"No, you're disgusting."
"I am Groot."
"Oh, the tree talks," May said as she noticed Groot for the first time.
"I am Groot."
"Yeah, he talks. But he doesn't like being called tree."
"What can I call it then?"
"I am Groot."
"Just call him Groot. Like everyone else."
"Is that all he says?"
"Yes, but you can learn to understand it," Thor told Peter..
"Don't go into it kid, it's complicated and dull," Quill added.
"You did good on the battlefield by the way, so I'll let the Footloose thing go."
"Thanks, Mr?"
"Mr Starlord."
"No, just Starlord."
"Oh. Starlord."
"What's this Footloose thing?" May asked.
"Spiderboy here doesn't think that Footloose is the best film of all time."
"It's Spiderman," Peter muttered.
"What? I love Footloose."
"No way! Really?"
"Not this again," Nebula sighed.
"You know that part where..." Quill said as he began a conversation with May about Footloose.

"I liked the way you moved on the battlefield," Mantis said as she came over to Peter.
"Thank you bug lady."
"If you ever need to sleep, I can help," Mantis said as her eyes grew wide and her antennae glowed.
"Yeah, no. I'm good, thanks," Peter said nervously as he backed away.
"Stop scaring the mutant Spiderboy," Drax said as he came beside Mantis. "She's a revolting creature who does weird things to your mind."
"Right," Peter said nervously.
"It was good to have you out there, even if you were useless."
"Ok, you can stop scaring him now. Go and annoy black panther or something," Nebula told Mantis and Drax.
"There are panthers here?"
"I'll kill them and have their meat for my dinner."
"Just get lost."
"No need to be rude," Drax said before they left.
"You should go too. Quill will talk for hours if you let him."
"Yeah. We'll go on a walk. May," Peter said as he went over to his Aunt, who was laughing with Quill.

"That was great. What is it Peter?"
"Can we go on a walk?"
"Of course we can. It was nice to meet you Starlord."
"And you, May Parker," Quill said as he kissed May's hand.
"See you later Spiderboy."
"It's Spiderman."
"Whatever. Groot! Put that squirrel down. Rocket, why aren't you keeping an eye on him?!" Quill asked as he left Peter and walked quickly towards Groot, who was constricting the squirrel using roots extending from his arms.
"I look away for two seconds and he tries to kill a squirrel!" Rocket replies as Peter and May start on their walk to get some peace and quiet from the chaos that are the Avengers.

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