Saving Peter

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Peter 1 = Tom Holland
Peter 2 = Tobey Maguire
Peter 3 = Andrew Garfield

"But you. Are the one that killed her," Green Goblin said before he laughed. Peter 3 threw the antidote and Peter 1 caught it. But just as he drove the needle into Norman's neck, Green Goblin stabbed him deep in his chest.
"No!" Peter 3 screamed as Norman dropped to the ground, and Peter 1 gasped. The antidote was working, but Peter 1 raised a hand to his bleeding wound.

"Peter!" MJ shouted as she saw him, but everyone's attention was quickly diverted to Dr Strange. He yelled something before there was a flash of light and a deafening thunderclap rang out above them.

The cracks in the sky closed up, and the spell was contained once more.
"Is that it? Is it over?" Ned asked Dr Strange as he floated down to the ground.
"Not yet. I've managed to contain it, but I need to return to the sanctum in order to finish the spell."
"Oh, ok."
"At least they're all cured now," MJ said and Dr Strange looked over to the shield, where Green Goblin and Peter 2 were standing.
"Yes. That is good," Dr Strange said before he saw Peter 3 swing his way over to Peter 2. "I need the sling ring back," Dr Strange said as he turned to Ned.
"What sling ring?"
"The magic thing?"
"Yes, the magic thing. I need to get everyone here back to the sanctum."
"Ok, ok. Here you go."
"Good. Thank you," Dr Strange said before he put the sling ring on and started to open a portal.
"Where's Peter?"
"Which one?"
"Our Peter," MJ said and both Ned and Dr Strange looked around.
"Peter?" They called as they looked round.
"Peter!" MJ called and Dr Strange closed his portal and took to the sky to look for him, with the cube staying in his hand.
"Where is he Ned?"
"I don't know."
"He was here last, right?" Dr Strange asked the other two Peter's as he landed on the shield.
"I don't know."
"He was. He tried to kill the Green Goblin so, argh, I had to stop him."
"Stop him?"
"Yeah. He wanted... revenge."
"You're bleeding. Are you alright?"
"No. I've been stabbed. But I'll... argh. I'll be alright."
"Ok. You have super healing too I'm guessing?"
"Right. What did he want revenge for?"
"His aunt. The Green goblin killed his aunt."
"Did you see where he went?"
"Ok, thank you."
"Wait," Ned said as he looked at all the cured villains. "Where's the multi-armed metal guy?"
"The doc Octopus dude?"
"I've got no idea."
"Do you think he could have taken Peter?"
"Taken him where?"

"Oh no," Max said as he realised what Doc Oc had done.
"What? What's wrong?"
"I knew that he seemed to be a good man."
"What do you mean? What's going on?"
"He's trying to save Peter."
"What? Save him from what?"
"From being Spiderman. Like how he saved us."
"What is it?" Dr Strange said as he came over to them.
"I saw Peter get stabbed," MJ told Dr Strange. "If the doctor Octopus gets rid of his healing abilities, he'll die."
"Oh crap," Ned said as he realised.
"Wait. He's going to cure him of being Spiderman?" Dr Strange asked as he tried to make sense of it all.
"That's my best guess."
"We need to find him. We need to find them both."
"Where would he go?"
"Does he have a secret lair or something in the city?" Ned asked and everyone gave him a look.
"Probably not."
"I don't think anyone has a secret lair."
"It would be cool though."
"Where did he used to work?"
"The Empire State building."
"Then we'll go there first. The spell can wait," Dr Strange said and they left.


Dr Otto Octavius had seen and observed Peter 1 getting stabbed, before he had watched Norman Osborn fall to the ground.

For the first time in many years, he felt empathy and sorrow for the boy.

The Peter Parker he had known and fought for many years was now an adult, and he knew that a stab wound wouldn't keep him down for long. This Peter however, was different. He was young, good willed, strong and had a good heart. He also had much more to live for. He didn't deserve to be Spiderman.

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