Chapter 18

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*Rina POV*

I suck in a breath, sitting up. I watch my phone's screen. Should I? I have a text. It's ready to send. But fear sinks in my stomach.

Danny: Rina, answer me, please!! Just-Just one word. Please. I'm begging you.

I stare at my text.

Me: Danny, I'm sorry. I love you and I didn't mean to say all of that. Please come back. I love you.

"Hey, Miss Rina."

I shove my phone under the covers on reflex, courtesy of being a teenager with overprotective parents.

"Hi," I say.

"I'm Kaitlyn," she says. Kaitlyn is a middle-aged woman, with that golden blonde hair every brunette (including moi) envies. She has the classic sky blue eyes that just sparkle in the lighting. Her tone is warm and inviting as she smiles at me. She's like that classic popular girl in movies.

"I'm-well, you obviously know who I am," I say. "So what are you here for?"

Kaitlyn laughs. Her laugh is light-sort of like a tinkling sound. "What makes you think I'm here for something? I can't just be here to talk to you?"

"Well," I say. "That would be a tad bit creepy, as I've never met you in my life."

Kaitlyn laughs again. "I suppose it would be." She smiles. "You know, I like your spunk." She bends down next to my bed. "I'm here to help with physical therapy."

Sharply, I suck in a breath. "Physical therapy?"

Kaitlyn nods solemnly. "I apologize for the misfortune of having me as a physical therapist, but this is a necessity."

I sigh again. "What torture are you going to put me through? Should I call my nurse?"

Kaitlyn laughs again. "I like your sense of humor," she says. "We're not going to be doing anything strenuous. To start out, I'm just going to move your legs, alright?"

I arch an eyebrow. "Hm," I say. "Alright."

Kaitlyn gives me a smile and uncovers me, careful to keep any parts covered. She begins moving my legs in different ways.

I shrug, pulling out my phone from under the covers. It's not like I can feel anything she's doing anyways.

My eyes go wide as I see the text. I must've accidentally pressed send in my haste, because Danny read my message.

I suck in a breath. Oh well. That's over with. I look over my phone at Kaitlyn, who's still moving my legs gently.

Kaitlyn glances up at me, and flashes a quick smile. She smiles a lot. And her teeth are really white, as if she goes thousands of whitening strips per month.

"So this is just to keep your legs from getting stiff," Kaitlyn explains. "Because if you don't use it, you lose it."

I give a slightly coherent nod. "Right."

Kaitlyn looks up at me slowly. "Rina."

I blink. "What?"

Kaitlyn's brow furrows. "You have a complete spinal cord injury, right?"

I nod. "Yeah."

Kaitlyn grins at me. "Your toe just moved!"

I know most people wouldn't be that excited about watching their toe flick, but me- I was overjoyed. I could move my leg, even if only a part.

"Are you sure?" I ask anxiously. "It wasn't just shifting?"

"Try," Kaitlyn prompts me. "Move. Just a little."

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