Chapter 29/Epilogue

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So I have a question. Do ya'll think I should write out Rina's struggles and love story, or should I just leave it at Gemma and Danny's? Let me know in the comments!

P.S., this fast-forwards to Daniel and Gemma's wedding. :)

I stood staring into the mirror at my reflection. My wedding gown was a bright white. Rhinestones surrounded my waistband, a long train trailing behind me. My hair was pinned up in a French braid over my left shoulder, with pearls clipped winding around the braid.

I took a deep breath. Something was missing. I touched my neck. Where was it? The necklace. Jade's necklace. Where was it? I patted around the counter atop the dresser and frantically looked through all of the drawers.

"Looking for something?"

I turned around, seeing Rina. She was dressed in a beautiful blue and lavender bridesmaid dress. I had made sure the skirt was long enough that she wouldn't have to worry about it being too short it in her wheelchair.

Her wheelchair itself was decked out in flowers, lace, streamers, whatever Daniel could fit on it. He wanted it all to be perfect.

Rina held out my necklace to me. The green stone gleamed in the light. "You left it in the other room."

"Put it on," I say. I bend down to her level, in front of her, careful not to get my dress caught in her wheels.

I hear the click of the clasp and I stand up.

Rina smiles at me. "You look beautiful. There's no one better for my brother than you."

I smile. "That means a lot from you." I look at the door. "Are you ready?"

"The better question is are you ready," Rina says. "Are you?"

I smile again. "I couldn't be marrying a more perfect man." I roll my shoulders back. "I'm ready."

Rina nods to me. "Good. See you then." Rina gives me one last smile and pushes herself out to get to her spot.

Shortly after Rina leaves, my maid of honor walks in, Crystal, now nineteen, walks in her navy blue skirt flaring out in her wake. She holds my bridal crown delicately. Mom walks in after her.

Crystal smiles at me dreamily, steps up and begins to fasten it on my head with Mom's help.

When they're done, Mom steps back and looks at me, starting to tear up a little. "Baby... you look amazing."

I watch myself in the mirror. Jade green flowers crowing my head, pearls through my hair, a beautiful dress. It was all as perfect as could be. The only thing that would have made it better was to have my big sister standing beside me, smiling.

"You really do," Crystal says.

I look down, watching the rhinestones in my dress glisten.

"What is it?" Crystal asks.

"I wish Jade was here," I say after a moment. I know it was the wrong thing to say- complaining that my sister wasn't there when I was surrounded by the best family in the world, getting ready to marry my highschool sweetheart and the love of my life.

Mom nods slowly. "She's here," my mother says, with a confidence that this is something she knows, not just believes. "She wouldn't miss this. She's here."

Crystal nods. "She is. Can't you feel it?"

I stop and take a few slow deep breaths. "Yeah. Yeah, I can."

Crystal smiles. "Are you ready to marry the perfect man?"

I nod firmly. "I am."

My mother and Crystal walk out to get to their places, leaving me by myself.

I look up, tears threatening to spill free. "Are you ready, Jade?"

I suck in a deep breath, walk out, and take my father's arm.

I can hear the soft music playing through the doors. I peek around the door and see Rina and her husband, Tyler walking down the aisle.

Serenity, Rina's daughter, stands to the side, the basket of flowers in her small hands.

"Are you ready?" I ask gently.

Serenity nods. She looks confident, but I can tell the three-year-old is nervous.

The doors open, and Serenity, in her cute little pink dress, steps out and walks down the aisle, stringing flower petals along as she walks.

I look at my father. I can see tears swimming in his eyes. I wouldn't have it any other way. I loop my arm through his, holding the bouquet of jade green flowers in my hand. And we walk. I stand tall as I walk down the aisle, my father's strong arm looped in mine.

We approach the platform. It's exactly how I imagined it. Daniel's best man, my little brother, hands Daniel a handkerchief. Daniel takes it, dabs his eyes, then hands it back to Micah. My father lets me go to get to his place and I stand in front of my soon-to-be husband. This has been my dream ever since I met Daniel.

I stand on the platform, and I glance at my bridesmaids and my flower girl. Crystal, her gaze locked on me, my mother, with tears in her eyes, my cousin Elisabeth, smiling warmly at me, Rina, her gaze unflinching, and Serenity, perched on her mother's lap.

My gaze lands on the detail I made sure we included when we were planning this out. Next to Rina and Serenity, a seat with Jade's photo on it. Underneath it read: watching from the heavens. I love you to the moon and back, sis.

I still remember Jade saying that. It's a memory I'll never forget. One night, when I was ten, we laid on the back porch until midnight, watching the stars blink. Jade would point out all the constellations and help me find them, then she'd point at the moon and say, "I love you to the moon and back."

I tear my gaze from Jade's photo and watch Daniel as the officiant reads off our vows. I've been dreaming of this ever since I met Daniel. This is my dream. I'm living my dream.

I take a deep breath. Daniel takes my hands and we meet each other's eyes. Then I speak. "I, Gemma Rae Caddel, take you, Daniel Gabriel Michaels to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, faithful partner, and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, and in joy as well as sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you adn cry with you-" I swallowed and wiped a tear from my cheek. "And to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

Daniel looked like he was about to cry too as he recited his wedding vows. I, Daniel Gabriel Michaels, take you, Gemma Rae Caddel to be my lawfully wedded wife, my constant friend, faithful partner, and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, and in joy as well as sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you adn cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

I look at Daniel adn we both say, in perfect unison, "We do."

"You may now kiss the bride," Our officiant says.

Daniel wraps his arms around me and our lips press against each other, just like when we were in tenth grade. I close my eyes and let myself get lost in the moment. Maybe life wasn't all about truth. Maybe it was about happiness. But whatever life was about, with Daniel by my side, I knew it would be great.

Special thanks to my parents, who supported my writing, even when I failed tremendously. Special thanks to my friend Olivia and my best friend's older sister Elaina, for Rina's inspiration. And thanks to my best friend Emma, for Gemma's inspiration.

Dedicated to my best friend, Emma, who showed me that it's okay to be broken sometimes.

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