Chapter 13

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I smile at my mom and go to stand up, but Jude keeps a tight hold on me. I give him the contact for now, since his emotions feel raw and painful.

"I'll be ok, Mom. The only people who know are the people in this room." I say.

"And Corinne." Jude says, spitting her name.

"No one would believe her anyway." Eli says.

"Why did you tell Corinne? Why did you finally say something?" Sean asks and I sigh, rubbing my temples as a headache forms. Jude runs his hand along my back and I melt into his touch.

"She asked me how it felt. To see her and Jude. So I showed her." I snarl and my dad lets out a loud laugh.

"That's my girl." He says affectionately. I smile before a flash of guilt goes through me.

I look over at Jude, remembering that my block dropped and he felt my emotions too. I still don't have the energy to put it back up and he gives me a sad smile, leaning forward to press his forehead against mine.

'Don't feel bad.' He links me. 'I deserved to feel it.' He adds and I sigh a little, resting my head on his shoulder. No matter how much pain he's caused me, his touch is what I need right now. I'm exhausted after using so much power as well as emotionally drained, feeling like every nerve ending is tender and inflamed.

"I want you to practice this gift." Alpha says pointedly. "You may need to use it someday and I want you to be stronger with it. You look about ready to pass out right now. You should build up a tolerance, nurture it rather than fight it." He says and I nod.

Eli comes to sit next to us and I crawl over to him, snuggling into his chest.

"Can we go home?" I look up at him with pleading eyes and he nods.

"Of course, sunshine." He murmurs, kissing my forehead and standing up. He sets me down on my feet and my knees buckle, my whole body feeling drained. Eli tightens his hold around me, scooping me into his arms to carry me.

"I'm okay. I can walk." I say, trying to push myself out of his hold, but he growls a little at me.

"Stop, Nat. Just relax. You need to take a day or two off. You're pushing yourself too hard and you're going to make yourself sick." He says and I feel his frustration through our bond. I nod and sit still as he carries me outside and to the house.

He takes me to his room, laying me on his bed. I look up at him, but his face is still hard.

"I'm sorry." I murmur and he looks at me confused.

"For what?" He asks.

"Whatever I did that made you so mad." I say and he sighs just as Jude comes to the door, resting against it with his shoulder.

"I'm not mad at you. I just don't like you keeping secrets." Eli says.

"Eli, I just found out a few days ago that you were my mate. I was going to tell you, I just hadn't figured out how." I explain and Eli nods. Some of the frustration in our bond ebbs and he crawls into bed with me. Jude goes to leave but I call out to him.

"Jude!" He turns around to watch me curiously.

"Will you stay with me too? I feel better with both of you." I say, a little shyly. I feel a blush spread over my face making Eli chuckle.

"Of course, sunshine." Jude says, laying in bed on the other side of me.

I rest my head on Eli's chest as Jude curls his body around me. He rubs his hand up and down my back how I like and my wolf purrs a little at the touch. I hear Jude's deep chuckle behind me, his face nuzzling into my neck. Eli throws a blanket over all of us and I drift off into sleep feeling warm and content.

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