Chapter 19

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My heart pounds in my chest as I watch a cruel smile travel across Corinne's ugly face. She walks closer to me, a few men trailing behind her.

"That's her." She says, pointing at me. My hands begin to shake as the men appraise me, but I take a deep breath to steady myself, trying to pull some courage forward.

"The one with the gift?" One of them asks.

"Yes." Corinne says.

"I don't have a gift." I say, taking a play out of Jude's book. Denying everything she said worked last time.

Maybe these people won't believe her either.

"What?" Another one asks and Corinne snarls at me.

"Don't lie, you little bitch." She spits and I growl back.

"I'm the liar? You brought these people to attack your own pack over some nonsense you just made up?" I ask and Corinne lets out a humorless laugh.

"My pack? You mean the pack that treated me like shit?" She asks.

"You're a snotty, entitled bitch, Corinne. We treated you the way you deserved." I say and one of the men growls loudly at me. Corinne smiles at him and pats his cheek.

"When Jude sent me away, I found my mate just like he wanted. His pack has treated me better than this one ever did. Imagine their surprise when I told them I knew of a gifted she wolf. I offered you up on a platter." She says with a giggle that makes my stomach feel like it's full of sour milk.

"You're pathetic." I growl. "Willing to make up such fantastical lies just to earn favor in your new pack. She did the same shit here. Lying about fucking one of the future Alphas." I say and her mate growls again, trying to lunge for me, but she holds him back.

"See? She's mated to twins. Proof enough that she's a gifted wolf." She says and I smile at her.

"I wear only one mark." I say, pulling my shirt down to show both sides of my neck. "I have only one mate." I say and Corinne's mouth drops as the other men look at her, shuffling as if they are uncomfortable.

"That's a lie and you know it!" She says.

"She could never only be marked by one." Another man says and I nod.

"Exactly. A mate of twins would need both marks to feel whole, complete. My wolf wouldn't allow me to only be marked by one." I say, knowing full well the only reason my wolf isn't unstable without Jude's mark is because of how badly he hurt us.

"She's right, Beta. I don't think Corinne knows what she's talking about." One of the men says to another.

"Axel, if we find out your mate lied about this, Alpha will kick you both out of the pack." He says and Corinne's mate becomes irate.

"That's fucking bullshit." He screams and the Beta shrugs.

"We just waged war on another pack, attacked them unprovoked on the word of your mate and it seems she fucking lied. That's the real bullshit." The Beta says. Axel looks over at me, his hands turning into fists as his chest rises and falls with his angry breaths.

"Your mate is a piece of shit." I spit at him and he snarls at me, his eyes turning black.

He jumps in the air and shifts. I watch while mentally scolding myself for provoking him. I know I shouldn't have, but these assholes waged war on us, are hurting our pack and Corinne led them straight here.

Straight to her own family.

I don't know where Jenna is in this whole mess, but it seems like I care more about her own sister than she does. I extend my claws and prepare to use my gift on him when a flash of grey comes out of nowhere. I can tell by the scent that it's Jude. I gasp as he throws himself in front of me at the exact moment Axel lunges for me. Axel makes contact with Jude, barreling straight into his neck. There's a sickening crunch sound before Jude lets out a pained whimper. I watch with horror as he falls to the ground, unmoving. My eyes widen as I feel my blood run cold. I watch him for any sign of movement, but I'm met with unnerving stillness.

"Jude!" I screech, running towards him and landing on my knees by his head. I lift up his wolf head in my hands, shaking him gently.

"Jude! Jude please wake up." I beg, tears welling in my eyes.

Nothing happens. I feel our bond strain within me, my wolf howl in agony as we look down at our injured mate. I look up at the enemy wolves, watching with wide eyes as they realize one of their own harmed a future Alpha.

Pure rage boils within me on top of my overwhelming grief. I watch Jude's still form, a barely noticeable movement of his chest as his breathing turns erratic. I have no idea what damage Corinne's mate did, but it looks severe. Axel shakes his head as if trying to disperse the pain from the contact before setting his sights on me again.

But then his eyes shift to Jude and I know he wants to finish what he started.

I take that anger and grief stirring within me and let it build. It forms a ball in my chest, growing brighter the more I feed it. My hands ball into fists as my body begins to shake with the power I have locked inside of me. My fingers twitch and I let it free, aiming it at every single wolf that doesn't belong to this pack. I hear the cries and howls of agony as they are all effected. I watch the ones in front of me fall to their knees, knowing the others will be easy targets now for our well trained fighters.

I watch as Corinne falls, her face contorted in agony. Her mate shifts back to human form, groaning in pain as he doubles over barely staying up on his knees. I walk over to him and grip him by the hair, pulling his head back until his neck is stretched painfully. I let my power burn brighter, rendering every enemy wolf in our pack immobile. A sick sense of pleasure washes through me at what I'm about to do.

"You shouldn't have come back here." I say to Corinne, my voice gravely deep as my wolf presses forward.

Her eyes widen in horror as she watches me extend my claws. I place one at the throat of her mate, not taking my eyes off of her as I glide it across his neck. Dark red blood spews from him as he coughs and sputters. He tries to push away from me, flailing as I hold him steady. Corinne lets out an agonized scream, trying to run to him. I watch her as she watches her mate die before her eyes, powerless to save him. Once I am sure he is dead, I throw his body to the ground in front of me. I begin to shake with the exertion of holding my power over so many wolves for so long.

I watch as some of our own wolves begin to run towards me. I recognize Eli in the front and a breath of relief escapes me. I fall onto my hands and knees, my energy quickly waning. I crawl over to Jude, his body still unmoving. I press myself against him, covering him to protect him as much as possible. I nuzzle my face into his neck and wrap my arm around him. I feel a slight intake of breath from him, but nothing more. A tear slips down my face, guilt crashing through me.

I should have stayed in the house. I should have kept my mouth shut. Then Jude wouldn't have sacrificed himself to save me.

"Please don't leave me, Jude. I need you." I murmur as the exhaustion begins to take over my body and mind.

"Natalie!" I hear Eli cry, just as I can no longer keep my eyes open.

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